10 Benefits Of Flamenco Dancing For Girls

Flamenco is a very elegant and striking cultural dance. In addition, it has numerous personal and physical health benefits. Discover the most important ones below.
10 benefits of flamenco dancing for girls

Flamenco dancing is an excellent activity for the little princesses of the house. Learn about its origin as well as its benefits and fall in love with this unique art.

Flamenco dancer. She is the magician who gives life to the tablao;  force the song that the cantaor interprets so that she with shout, joy, passion, heels, claps, castanets and lament reveals, through flamenco, the deep feeling of Spain.

And the thing is that flamenco is singing, playing and dancing. But, to dance it, you have to have a passion for dance. A passion that is in every boy or girl: What little girl doesn’t like to dance? It is at that stage of early childhood when your little girl dances barely hears the music.

They all do it for a fundamental reason: dance satisfies their need to express themselves, to discover the capacities of their energy-saturated body. What better than flamenco to channel that energy? 

Children’s dance teachers agree that the ideal age to start studying flamenco is from 4 years old because it is the time to enhance their artistic and expressive capacities in a playful way.

In addition, it develops psychomotor and audiomotor coordination, rhythmic sense and memory. Your girl may not be a professional dancer tomorrow; But learning this discipline, from a young age, will help her in her physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.

10 benefits for a lifetime

There are thousands of benefits to practicing this activity, here we mention the 10 most important:

  1. It will help you develop your body by promoting growth. You will improve your physical endurance: you will have good cardiovascular health, better balance and coordination.
  2. You will have a better posture. It will increase your flexibility.
  3. Dancing regularly will get you used to having an active life.
  4. It will strengthen your self-esteem because flamenco dancers develop a positive body image of themselves.
  5. You will improve your social skills since in the classes you learn to cooperate and work as a team. By sharing with other children his own age, he learns to accept his peers despite their differences.
  6. You will achieve more in school because flamenco dance, like music or other arts, favors the mental and intellectual development of children. According to various studies, they tend to be more successful academically because they are often the winners in math and science competitions.
  7. Improves your ability to concentrate.
  8. It helps her discover her skills and qualities.
  9. Develop your creativity in addition to your innate talents.
  10. You will appreciate and take pride in your cultural heritage.

Flamenco internationally

This dance is a World Heritage Site and the one with the greatest worldwide impact. That is why flamenco likes everyone. Originally from Andalusia, Extremadura and Murcia (18th century), it is the product of the cultural miscegenation of Andalusians, Muslims, Gypsies, Castilians and Jews.

Its popularity in Latin America is such that in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela and Chile great talents, various groups and academies have emerged. In Japan it likes it so much that there are more flamenco schools than in Spain.

Flamenco has merged with traditional Galician dance and contemporary rhythms, it has transited with rock, and it has looked gypsy and pure at Madison Square Garden in New York, or at Sadlers Wells in London. In short, flamenco is the artistic expression resulting from the fusion of voice, dance and guitar whose cradle, Andalusia, is proud of its art.

For this reason, the Andalusian Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has convened, since 2014, to the Flamenco Awards in the Classroom  and accredits research projects related to this dance and its inclusion in the curricular material.

More than a dance it is passion

And it is that flamenco is passion; the feeling made into art that contains the whole range: grief, joy, tragedy and fear.

It is the dance of passion or seduction. Sign of the Spanish identity, it has been transmitted from generation to generation and has dynasties of artists, clubs and even social groups that play a decisive role in the preservation as well as the dissemination of this art.

Do you want more reasons for your girl to study flamenco? So, it is time to look for an academy because with these there are plenty. Do not fear that you will get injured, all these institutes are accredited and use dance techniques that prevent you from having an accident.

Little by little, they will give you new challenges, they will teach you every body movement and skills so that you can participate in the flamenco scene, later in presentations or shows. And why not dream? Your daughter could be the next María Juncal, María Pagés, Elena Furiase or Sara Baras.

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