10 Benefits Of Playing With Children

10 benefits of playing with children

One of the first activities children learn is to play. Play is part of children’s nature, since they are able to see toys in any object. As parents we generally provide tools for children to have fun, but they do not always know how to use them. Playing with our children is more important than we think.

Perhaps when they have siblings between them they complement each other to play. Even so, our presence and collaboration is invaluable for the little ones. It is important to reduce some of the tension that some children feel about parental authority. The trust that is generated between parents and children is one of the benefits that comes from playing with children.

Sometimes parents decide to stay home with their children, but other times it is essential. As the day progresses, children find something to entertain themselves, usually with ready-made games. However, sometimes it is convenient that we give them a hand. It is possible to create fun games at home to share with the little ones. Here we tell you how to get benefits from playing with children.

What are the benefits of playing with children?

Play with the kids

Playing with our children is something that should be done without their having to advise us. Parents who enjoy their children take every opportunity to spend as long as possible with them. Sharing a game time is very beneficial on different levels.

As we play we learn and bond; other benefits are as follows:

Better use of time

The time we share with our children is not wasted time. However, with our intervention, valuable time may be spent on activities that are more meaningful to your learning. Although we know that your imagination is important, sometimes it is convenient to direct your entertainment to more educational activities.

Progress of inter-family relationships

Family relationships solidify as we share. Any activity that we carry out together contributes to the strengthening of family ties. The more opportunities we promote to share, the better we get. The moments that we live together with them form us as a family forever.

Provides security to the child

Playing with their parents allows the child to create positive memories, which is essential to found attachment. This exchange creates a unique experience for him, which reassures him, tells him that everything is fine and that he is completely safe.

Promote social skills

It is with the family that the child practices his skills to relate socially. The first context for socialization is found through interactions at home. Family play is conducive to allowing children to form an idea of ​​themselves, the roles and the development of their environment. One of the benefits of playing with them is that we allow them to explore a different perspective than they may have with other children their age.

Development of self-control and management of emotions

Play is an exercise that gives people the opportunity to regulate what they feel. For example, through role play it is necessary to consciously adapt behavior. It is opportune for the little ones to learn to assume an attitude when relating it to a particular situation. In addition, it allows us to recognize the displays of affection of other people, as well as their emotions and way of expressing it.

Develop creativity

Creativity is an element widely favored by the game in different stages. Recreational activities create space for imagination, while helping to improve school performance. By playing with children we can closely observe how their creativity works and intervene to use it.

Power greater social competence

Children who play with adults develop greater competencies when it comes to relating to other children, teachers, and family members. The positive experiences acquired through play are transmitted to other experiences. Children with these skills are often valued as popular in relation to others.

Increase attention span

It is good for children to learn to face risks and adventures

In order for children to be able to play with their parents, they must pay more attention than usual. In addition, when adults are present, they demand more of themselves in terms of concentration, since they need to adapt to a new approach.

It is ideal to put them active

Some children are inactive more from lack of stimulation than from illness. If you need your child to get active, start playing and moving, it is convenient that you start playing with him yourself. The time we share together is very valuable to them, they can hardly refuse our initiative. In addition, nothing better than the example to motivate them to do what we want.

They become happy children

One moment of happiness a day can be enough to raise happy children. While the child is playing in the ideal state, his experience will be positive, restorative and relaxing because he is doing what he likes. Parents who get involved in children’s play have a better chance of seeing them happy. Perhaps the other things we do for them contribute to their happiness, but nothing clearer to them than play, since it is a language they know very well.

Plan moments to play with the children, create spaces and tools that they can use in their leisure time. In your own home you can build a real amusement park. Your imagination and his can have a daily date to have fun and receive all the benefits of the game.

Playing as a family has benefits for everyone

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