10 Cases Of Exemplary Entrepreneurial Mothers

10 cases of exemplary entrepreneurial mothers

Entrepreneurial mothers are the most vigorous example of effort and improvement in today’s society. Although there is progress on equality, there is still a long way to go.

Roadblocks for enterprising mothers

If the average woman already has it a little more difficult than men in the workplace, a woman who is also a mother will have it even more complicated. Therefore, his courage, perseverance and leadership skills are worth highlighting.

Due to the numerous social obstacles and the inequality between men and women that still unfortunately prevails, self-employment is the only alternative that many women have at their disposal.

In addition, another of the barriers that an entrepreneurial mother must face are the social and cultural ideas of conservative societies with little social mobility. Let’s not forget that, many times, the families of these women will put obstacles to entrepreneurship. To this, there are usually legal barriers: difficulty in accessing credit, inability to access land titles or information services, etc.

However, entrepreneurial mothers have shown their perseverance in leading projects to success. There are many known cases, of which most of us should take an example.

It must also be remembered that, in many situations and in many places, mothers are the ones who raise their families and even their entire cities.

Here are  10 examples of entrepreneurial women mothers who managed to stand out successfully in the field of business.

Entrepreneurial mothers face the biggest challenges.

1.- Esteé Lauder

As a teenager he learned the secrets and art of preparing beauty creams from one of his uncles . Years later, she married Joseph Lauder, with whom she had a daughter in the 1930s. Around the same time he started a major business. The company that would later become a cosmetics industry emporium, Esteé Lauder Cosmetics.

2.- Tanya Moss

Great Mexican jewelry designer. After 16 years of constant work, she has managed to find the balance between her passions: artist, businesswoman and mother.

3.- Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki is one of the most influential and powerful people in the world of technology. He worked at Google and today he is CEO of YouTube. Mother of no less than 5 children, she is an advocate of work-life balance. An article of hers published in the Wall Street Journal is well known in which he explained the virtues of maternity leave in the field of business.

4.- Beyoncé

An absolutely multifaceted woman. Singer, actress, mother of twins, and wife of singer Jay-Z. Beyoncé is an example of success, entrepreneurship and family harmony.

5.- JK Rowling

She is one of the most widely read writers in the world, the creator of Harry Potter. When she talks about her life, she never forgets that there was a time when she came to live on Scottish government subsidies as a single mother. One of the influences for his overcoming was his mother, who suffered from multiple sclerosis until her death at age 45.

6.- Debbie Fields

It all started as a hobby while I was a homemaker. Today Debbie Fields is the leading character in the Mrs. Field cookie industry. Currently, its franchise is valued at 450 million dollars. However, the success never detracted from his family.

7.- Rosalía Mera

Rosalía Mera is a woman who made herself. She made her current fortune working with her husband, with whom she founded the Zara chain of stores. Rosalía is the mother of 2 children. In addition, it allocates significant aid to medical research foundations for people with physical or mental disabilities.

Entrepreneurial mothers are clear examples of courage and bravery.

8.- Tory Burch

Owner of an indispensable fashion brand for the New York elite. Tory is the mother of 6 children whom she protects from cameras and journalism. Despite his fortune and his entrepreneurial career, he has always made it clear that his priority is his children.

9.- Carolina Herrera

Due to her elegant designs, the Venezuelan Carolina Herrera has built an emporium in the world of fashion. She is the mother of 4 daughters who are also part of her company. In 1971, Carolina was 32 years old and her image was already considered one of the best dressed women in the world.

Adriana is the youngest daughter of Carolina Herrera  and her most effective collaborator, being the image of several of the brand’s creations.

10.- Angela Benton

Creator and CEO of NewMe, she became a mother for the first time at age 16. Today it is a reference for entrepreneurs and offers advice on business acceleration.

Being a mother and an entrepreneur at the same time is certainly not easy; However, if you really want something in your life, don’t give up. You will be able to do that and much more.

Mom and freelance worker.  The key to success

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