3 Benefits Of Water In Pregnancy

Water is one of the main components of the human body; It is responsible for serving as a means of transporting substances, ensuring the excretion of waste and many other things.
3 benefits of water in pregnancy

Hydration is essential at any time and stage of life. A state of dehydration can negatively affect health, which can cause problems in the functioning of the body’s physiology. But, in particular, this condition is especially dangerous during pregnancy, at which time water has several benefits.

It should be noted that, as we age, the percentage of water in the body decreases. It is highest during the infantile stage to be reduced considerably in old age. As we are able to accumulate less water in the body, fluid intake becomes more important.

Benefits of water in pregnancy

Next, we are going to tell you the benefits of water in pregnancy, as well as the position of science in this regard.

Pregnant woman drinking a glass of water.

Hydrates the body

Both mother and baby need a continuous supply of fluids, since this is the environment in which many of the reactions of metabolism take place. Without water life would not be possible. In addition, it acts as a means of transporting substances through the body. In fact, a large part of blood is water.

It must be taken into account that a state of dehydration can be fatal for the fetus, especially for its brain development. This is stated by a study published in The Japanese Journal of Clinical Hematology , since the lack of water in the mother can be a risk factor for the development of thromboembolism. This problem is, in many cases, fatal.

Avoid liquid retention

The feeling of bloating caused by fluid retention is common in pregnant women. They suffer permanent discomfort when they suffer from this condition. In this sense, both the regular consumption of water and the inclusion in the diet of foods with diuretic properties can help a lot.

It is recommended to promote the intake of pineapple. In addition to being able to increase diuresis, it has the properties of improving digestion based on its enzyme content.

Improves the feeling of well-being

According to research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , consuming 2 liters of water a day during pregnancy improves a woman’s quality of life, as well as feelings about the body. The risk of constipation is reduced, the quality of digestions is improved and vitality is increased.

It is essential to guarantee the intake of mineral water to avoid, in this way, the consumption of varieties with gas that can cause intestinal discomfort.

Furthermore, water is important to maximize waste excretion. In this sense, a good supply of water will improve the filtering of the kidneys and will make them perform their function in a more effective way.

The importance of drinking water and not other liquids during pregnancy

Surely you have already heard that the best way to improve hydration status is by increasing water consumption and avoiding alcoholic or sugary beverages. During pregnancy this slogan becomes even more important, since both alcohol and added sugar are capable of negatively impacting the state of health.

Woman drinking water in pregnancy.

Alcohol is capable of inducing irreparable damage to the fetus, while simple carbohydrates have the power to increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes in women. Especially if the pathology has already manifested, it will be necessary to be very careful regarding the contribution of carbohydrates.

Water, a beneficial drink during pregnancy

As you have seen, drinking water during pregnancy has several benefits. It is advisable to ingest at least 2 liters of the liquid per day, but a higher contribution may be considered in situations of high temperatures. Keep in mind that certain foods, such as fruits, already have a significant amount of water inside.

On the other hand, do not forget to restrict the intake of alcohol and soft drinks to the maximum during this period. Even juices could have a negative impact on health. When it comes to consuming vegetables, it will always be better to opt for their most natural form, thus preserving the fiber of the food, which is beneficial for the human body.

If you are one of those who are not usually thirsty, get used to drinking a glass of water before meals to ensure a good state of hydration.

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