3 Reasons Why Your Baby Does Not Want To Give Up The Pacifier

For some parents, the pacifier can become a real problem when it is time to quit. Do you want to know why your child finds it so difficult to quit the habit? We tell you about it here.
3 reasons why your baby does not want to give up the pacifier

Each child looks for the most comfortable way to cover a basic need such as sucking, which is why this option is usually the pacifier. Since they are in the womb, babies suck their thumb. After they are born they can cover it by feeding on their mother’s breast and sometimes they continue to suck their thumb. Although sucking has no nutritional function, it is a difficult habit to break.

The pacifier has great meaning for children who use it, it has become an important object of comfort. The pressure it exerts on the palate helps the child to calm down. This is important, because it allows you to cope with the circumstances that cause anxiety in your daily life. During the night it calms him down so that he can sleep easily, since it relates him to the mother.

With the passage of time this need will disappear naturally without pressure. In most cases the pacifier begins to be left after two years. However, sometimes some children will continue to use the pacifier after 36 months.

Is it a problem if the child does not want to put down the pacifier?

Some little ones need to suck longer than others. This happens particularly when the child uses it at certain times. For example, it becomes more difficult to quit when you use it for sleep or stress relief.

It is normal behavior if it disappears on its own, without forcing it. The problem is the following, if instead of reducing its use, it increases it. For this reason it should be observed if you use it insistently.


In this case, it is advisable for the parents to stand firm to confront the root cause. Sometimes parents can cope alone, but in some cases it is necessary to go to a specialist.

Parents are generally reassured by the use of a pacifier, because time and consequences influence this habit. However, thumb sucking can last into adulthood. In addition, it is believed that thumb sucking for a long time can lead to tooth and jaw deformation.

Why doesn’t the child want to put down the pacifier?

According to experts, the child does not want to give up the pacifier for three possible reasons, these are:

By association

This reason is very common among children since they associate the pacifier with sleep. This object soothes you in a way that you fall into a deep sleep. Otherwise, the absence of it is likely to cause the child to wake up during the night claiming it. Sometimes it won’t calm down until you have it.

Need to suck

This can happen while the child is still feeding on breast milk. However, it is important to observe whether you are drinking milk or only sucking on the nipple. The sucking reflex is something natural in babies, this is maintained until 4 years of age.

Many children substitute the mother’s breast for the pacifier. They mostly suck on their thumb or other fingers just to satisfy that urge to suck.


State of calm

By having his pacifier in his mouth, the child enters a state of calm and satisfaction. It is a very effective tranquilizer to be able to calm the little one immediately.

How to help the child to give up the pacifier?

If your child has a healthy relationship with the pacifier, there is no need to worry because they will soon give it up. However, you can help it, for example, by offering tools with which you can replace it. It is not advisable to argue with the child, as it will cause more tension and more need for the pacifier.

Other alternatives to help you can be:

  • Find a specific place for the pacifier. Place the pacifier where it is not easily accessible. By not having it on hand it is easier for it to distract you in something else.
  • Replace it with another object. It can be something that comforts you like a doll for example.
  • Observe their behavior when asking for the pacifier. If he feels calm or overwhelmed, parents should try to hug him, play with the child in order to calm him down.

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