3 Recipes For Gluten-free Snacks

In this article we present 3 gluten-free recipes for all ages.
3 recipes for gluten-free snacks

If your child is celiac and you don’t know what he can bring to eat at school recess, in this article we offer you 3 recipes for gluten-free snacks that he will love. But first we will clarify what gluten is and why it can make it difficult for us to choose or prepare certain foods.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in cereals such as wheat, barley and rye, which are very present in a multitude of commonly consumed food products, such as bread or pasta.

When we talk about children with celiac disease, one of the foods that usually causes the most headaches for parents when offering gluten-free preparations is the snack.

This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that the classic sandwich that so many stomachs have filled in the playgrounds of the world is generally made of wheat bread, a cereal that contains gluten. On the other hand, the gluten-free bread alternatives that the industry proposes are not always as tasty or appealing.

In addition, the buns and cookies, which have so erroneously and strongly clung and settled in the snacks of the little ones, are usually made from wheat flour. Although, in my humble opinion, not being able to consume these types of products is an advantage over non-celiac children, since they only provide poor quality ingredients, harmful to health.

Recipes for gluten-free snacks.

For this and more reasons, this article aims to provide home chefs with 3 recipes for gluten-free, healthy, nutritious and delicious snacks that have nothing to envy to classic snacks.

Gluten-free snack recipes

Seed Crackers

We will start with this tasty and crunchy recipe  that, in addition to being very easy to prepare, is very nutritious and versatile. Take a pencil and paper, and don’t forget to write down any steps.


  • Half a glass of flax seeds.
  • A glass of assorted seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, chia and sesame seeds).
  • Two thirds of a glass of water.
  • A pinch of salt
  • A splash of extra virgin olive oil.


  1. Mix all the seeds with the water, the drizzle of olive oil and the pinch of salt (optional) in a glass for the mixer.
  2. We let the seeds absorb the water for about ten minutes.
  3. Once the time has elapsed, we crush the ingredients. They do not need to be 100% shredded.
  4. We spread the dough on greaseproof paper or baking paper, so that it is approximately 2 millimeters thick, and cut it with a rectangular knife.
  5. With the oven previously preheated, we introduce the preparation at 180 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.
  6. After the established time, we turn the crackers over and bake for 10 more minutes.
  7. We take the preparation out of the oven, let it cool and it will be ready to enjoy.

We can eat them alone or accompanied by some preparation of snacks such as hummus, guacamole or fresh cheese.


In this preparation we find an ally who can save us from many troubles. It is a recipe originally from Colombia and Venezuela, made from corn flour and water, which can be filled with anything we can think of.


  • 300 grams of precooked cornmeal.
  • 300 milliliters of warm water.
  • A pinch of salt.
    Recipes for gluten-free snacks.


  • We put the water and salt in a container.
  • Later, we add the flour progressively.
  • Mix until you get a smooth dough and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • We divide the dough into portions and make balls that we will then flatten until we obtain discs of about ten centimeters in diameter.
  • Cook the dough on the grill for about 10 minutes on each side.
  • Finally, we open the dough and fill with whatever we want, such  as avocado, arugula and tuna.

Chocolate bonbons, one of the best gluten-free snacks

As the last alternative for gluten-free snacks, we present you this succulent recipe for chocolates without added sugar  that is difficult to resist.


  • Chocolate 85% cocoa.
  • Puffed quinoa.
  • Almonds


  1. Melt the chocolate in water bath.
  2. We mix with the quinoa.
  3. We introduce an almond in each hole of the mold and mix it (if you don’t have it, you can make balls with your hands or use an ice bucket).
  4. Finally, we cool in the fridge.

Finally, we encourage you to put on your apron and involve the children in the kitchen to prepare these delicious gluten-free recipes.

Realfooding movement

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