4 Activities To Do As A Family At Home

In this article we propose some activities to do as a family at home and enjoy quality time together.
4 activities to do as a family at home

To use our free time in a productive way and together with loved ones, whether it is to learn something new or to improve a skill, there are some activities to do as a family at home that can be useful and a lot of fun.

When we are at home and we have free time

Beyond the fact that you also have to cope with your own household chores and help children with their homework,  free time is that period in which there are no obligations and is dedicated to fun and relaxation. So, rest is essential, and we must take advantage of when we have time for it.

But it is also important that we dedicate part of our free time to doing activities with the family, and spending quality time to have fun and, why not?, Learn something new.

Painting mandalas is one of the activities to do as a family at home.

Doing fun and entertaining activities is a good way to spend quality time with your family. It is a good way to give ourselves a break and make up for lost time to be with our people. Time that, on a daily basis, we do not have as a result of the hectic and fast-paced life that we are used to leading.

4 activities to do as a family at home

We propose the following 4 activities to do as a family at home:

Paint Mandalas

It is a very fun activity but, above all, very relaxing. All you need are some pretty mandalas (they can be downloaded online and printed), and some colored pencils and markers. Thus, the whole family, sitting quietly at a table, can share a few hours of the day painting and combining colors, as well as talking.

Becoming a family of chefs, a fun activity to do as a family at home …

Whether it’s for lunch or dinner, or on some silly afternoon when it’s time to make a good cake, cooking can be a great activity to share with the family. Thus, all members can participate in the preparation of a recipe  and in a vote, since,  a priori , they can democratically choose which recipe to cook (sweet or salty) and divide the tasks during its preparation.

Do sports and exercises 

On days when all family members are at home, you can set a specific time to practice sports. The decision to exercise all together as a family is a good option because, thus, together, you can encourage each other so that the desire does not decline.

In addition, on the internet we can find infinite platforms in which professionals and specialists in sport and fitness give classes. We will find videos and tutorials of exercises of all kinds and classes ( aerobics , yoga, cardio hiit , functional exercises or with your own body weight), along with instructions on how to perform the movements correctly.

The time of concentration

Another interesting option is to propose an activity whose main objective is to learn something new. Thus, alternatively, each member of the family can propose a topic or concept to read about and do some research, such as how dinosaurs became extinct.

Or review and reinforce English, learn, for the most novice, the first concepts and expressions, and even learn something new about geography, get to know more capitals of countries in the world and recognize where the monuments that are world heritage sites are. There are many options!

Mother and daughter exercising at home to cope with quarantine.

One last activity to do as a family at home: Tutti Frutti !

Although we said at the beginning that we would share 4 activities to do as a family at home, we want to share a fifth with you.

It is a game that is not only super fun, but also one with which we learn a lot about general culture : about geography, cinema, grammar, flora and fauna … We are also going to sharpen our memory and mental speed, and we will not only learn new vocabulary, but we will remember forgotten concepts and learn from others.

We refer to the so-called Tutti Frutti, also known as Canceled, Stop or Stop the pencil. The Tutti Frutti is a paper-and-pencil game in which participants must write words that begin with the same letter (vowel or consonant), chosen by lot.

To do this, they must make a template with boxes and write at the top of the template, horizontally, categories chosen by common agreement, such as names, countries or capitals, fruits and vegetables, movies or verbs. On the other hand, in the left margin the letters used and the scores obtained will be noted vertically.

Thus, shouting “stop”, “stop”, or “tutti frutti” , the participant who manages to complete the box with all the words that begin with the letter he touches wins the round. Then, the idea is for everyone to share and review with the rest of the group what words they have chosen for each category. Then another letter is drawn again and a new, fun and didactic round is started again.

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