4 Behaviors That You Should Not Tolerate In Your Child

It is important to correct inappropriate behaviors of children when they are young. Find out what behaviors you should not tolerate in your child!
4 behaviors that you should not tolerate in your child

Raising a child is not only about providing love and affection, but it also requires exercising some control and discipline. The latter consists of establishing a series of rules and being in charge of supervising the behavior that the little one shows both inside and outside the home. Thus, there are behaviors that, as a mother or father, you should not tolerate in your child.

It should be noted that children need limits to relate appropriately to their environment. In fact, if you want your child to become a free, autonomous and socially skilled person, you cannot allow him to do whatever he wants.

Along the following lines we talk about some common behaviors in childhood, but which, in turn, are inadmissible.

Mother scolding her daughter for behaviors she should never tolerate.

4 behaviors that you should not tolerate in your child

Children are not born knowing what is right and what is wrong, so it is important to guide and guide them in the process of developing moral and ethical conscience. That is, it is necessary to teach them that there are certain behaviors that are inappropriate and that their performance carries serious consequences.

Below we describe some of these behaviors that should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

1. Teasing or laughing at others

It is said that children can be very cruel, especially when they make fun of or laugh at others. This happens because they have not developed the capacity to put themselves in the shoes of others and adopt different perspectives.

Therefore, as a mother or father, it is essential that from the first years of life you teach your child to be empathetic, to tolerate frustration, to accept diversity, to resolve conflicts appropriately and to manage anger and stress. And of course, if you find out that he is humiliating others, you should nip this behavior in the bud.

2. Take things that are not yours

Children, when they are young, are not aware of the seriousness of taking things that are not theirs without permission. Many times they are carried away by impulses and they take possession of objects that they like, but that belong to other people.

If you see your child doing this, you must act immediately and make him understand that such behavior is wrong and that he must return what he has “stolen. In addition, to prevent this type of situation, it is necessary to transmit values ​​such as respect, honesty and honesty.

3. Hitting or breaking objects when angry

During the childhood stage, children do not have developed the ability to control themselves, so it is common to see how they express their anger or anger through aggressive and inappropriate behaviors, such as hitting or breaking objects.

If your child carries out this type of behavior, you should stop him. To do this, wait for him to calm down and then try to talk to him to analyze the situation that led him to behave like this. You should also provide them with useful strategies to manage their emotions and, in this way, prevent this from happening again.

4. Interrupt adults

In childhood children tend to be impulsive and self-centered, which leads them to believe that their main caregivers, usually mothers and fathers, should always be there for them. But this is not so.

The misbehaviors of children that we should not consent to must have their consequences.

There are times when adults cannot give children the attention they request, for example, when they are in the middle of a conversation with other people. However, they decide to interrupt the situation without taking others into account.

You should not tolerate your child doing this. To stop this behavior, remind him to wait quietly while you are busy and that once you are gone, you will listen to him.

On the behaviors that you should not tolerate in your child …

As a mother or father, you have a duty to educate your child so that he knows how to behave and live in society. This is not always easy, as trying to continually redirect your behaviors can be exhausting.

However, no one said that educating and raising a child properly was easy. So, arm yourself with patience and energy and do everything possible to make your child become a person consistent with his actions.

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