5 Ideas For A Healthy Breakfast For Kids

We are going to teach you what a healthy breakfast for children consists of and what foods you should avoid to take care of the health of the little ones.
5 ideas for a healthy breakfast for kids

Many nutritionists point out that breakfast, for children, should be the most important meal of the day. Everyone should eat a healthy and balanced breakfast every day. Ideally , every child’s first meal should be milk, fruit or juice, and complex carbohydrates .

Start the day with a good breakfast

Most children only have a glass of milk for breakfast and few accompany it with some other product such as cereal, cookies or toast. These foods have poor nutritional value. Consuming it regularly can increase your risk of disease, according to research published in The Indian Journal of Medical Research.

If children have a bad breakfast, the consequence is that they will probably not have the energy they need every day. In addition, the normal thing will be that they need products with great energy contribution at mid-morning to be able to reach the food. In these situations they tend to opt for industrial pastries.

This eating disorder can trigger, if not corrected, an increase in childhood obesity, one of the biggest health problems for children today.

Nutrition experts are concerned that many children skip breakfast in the morning. As a consequence, they are listless when classes start. A good breakfast will give your children the energy they need to start the day with strength and courage.

If they constantly do not have time to eat breakfast because they have to stay before school hours, try to make it happen at school. Nowadays, many schools have a cafeteria where they can eat properly before the school day.


A healthy breakfast for children

Many times children and the whole family eat breakfast quickly because they get up late or do not have enough time. But we have to be aware that a child who does not eat a good breakfast cannot perform in school.

A healthy breakfast should contain dairy such as milk, yogurt or cheese and also some food with carbohydrates, be it for example toast of bread or oatmeal. It is recommended to include fruit juices and other foods such as cooked ham, turkey and nuts.

Dairy and carbohydrates are essential for children to have a healthy breakfast. If your son or daughter does not like milk, try to have him drink it with cocoa or eat yogurt, smoothies or cheese for breakfast. Try to make breakfast enjoyable and fun for the children.

We also have to take into account that at breakfast children manage to ingest vitamin D and calcium that are so important for their bones. Both nutrients are especially important in preventing bone fractures in adulthood, according to research published in the journal  JAMA.


Get the children used to eating breakfast

If from a young age we accustom our children to dedicate time every morning to having a healthy breakfast, they will surely maintain this custom.

A highly recommended option to avoid the rush in the morning is for children and adolescents to go to bed earlier at night. Also another formula is to leave breakfast prepared the day before so that it becomes a routine.

On the other hand, children need at least ten to twelve hours of sleep a day to rest. If the minors do not have heavy dinners the day before, they will surely wake up with more desire to eat breakfast.


Prepare a healthy breakfast for children

If they acquire this habit from a young age,  they will never get used to making a breakfast based on industrial products. For many nutritionists, breakfast for children is the most important meal of the day and if they do not do it in the long run they can have eating problems.

What we have to be clear about is that acquiring the habit of a healthy breakfast is basic. Otherwise, the risk of developing complex diseases in the medium and long term, such as obesity, will increase. This condition often hampers the health of the sufferer, causing serious cardiovascular and metabolic problems.

To avoid such a situation, teach your children to make a proper breakfast.

The fracture of the first steps

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