5 Keys To Overcome The Six-year Crisis

Crises that happen throughout life are normal and necessary. During the six-year crisis, the personality formation process begins, which will continue into puberty. It is a stage to explore and discover your limits and capabilities.
5 keys to overcome the six-year crisis

Our children’s lives are full of adjustments and maladjustments practically from the moment they are born. The six-year crisis is one of the crises that he will have to overcome in order to advance in his development.

Childhood is full of insecurities, imbalances, advances, setbacks … Why? Because they have to grow and, on that path, they will suffer ups and downs, and they will discover where the limits are and also their possibilities. It is a stage of exploration and, like any process, they will learn by making mistakes.

Throughout childhood, children build their personalities; They begin the process around the age of six, but it continues into adolescence. These crises are necessary to consolidate your ‘I’. Do you want to know how you can help your child overcome the six-year crisis? Keep reading.

Why do children go through the six-year crisis?

From birth, a child’s brain does not stop developing. Each time, your capacities for thinking and action are increasing, and increasing at a very rapid rate.

In this stage, given their need to be autonomous and independent, the rejection of the rules and limits that are established in the home arises. During this period, they have a much broader vocabulary, for this reason, they leave behind the dreaded tantrums or inconsolable crying and go on to use swear words and insults to express their anger or frustration.

At these ages, children are very sensitive and their feelings are more prominent. It is normal to see them jump for joy and, minutes later, become very angry with the world without knowing why. We must be careful, because during this stage they are very sensitive to what we say to them, both to praise and to punishments, and they can feel hurt very easily.

Mother and daughter arguing during the six-year crisis.

Children’s behaviors during the six-year crisis

  • They make excuses.
  • They are grumpy without knowing why.
  • They have emotional instability very easily. The same laugh that they get angry.
  • They are often serious and thoughtful.
  • They are stubborn, rebellious and sometimes domineering.
  • They complain about how unfair life is and that nobody wants them.
  • They show themselves against authority.
  • They have challenging attitudes.
  • Greater activation, they are more dynamic.
  • They have difficulty making decisions.
  • They don’t stop to think about the consequences of their actions; they are not very thoughtful.

These behaviors are totally normal at this stage the child is going through. The brain of a six-year-old is very immature and still developing. His emotional and cognitive abilities are constantly growing.

Keys to overcoming the six-year crisis

During this crisis, parents must promote their autonomy, but also establish clear limits and rules that help us in coexistence.

Keep calm

It is important to be calm when our children suffer an emotional outburst. We must understand that they are part of their development and that they have the need to observe others to learn to manage those emotions they feel.

We have to adapt the rules and limits to the child’s age

Children are growing and, therefore, it does not have to serve us techniques that we used previously. They already know how to do things by themselves and, therefore, they have to have new rules and limits adapted to their age.

Girl looking out the window during the six-year crisis.

Be consistent and consistent in applying consequences

If the rules or limits are breached, we have to be consistent and consistent in applying consequences for that breach.

We have to take care of their habits and routines

It is essential to work on their habits, since they go to school and have school obligations that they must carry out. It may be difficult at first, but this will give them the much-needed security.

Educate our children on emotions, listening to them and empathizing with them

Talk to your child, let him know how important he is to you; listen when I have something to tell you, without you being aware of other tasks. In his moments of frustration, accompany him, because it is you who he needs the most. Help him name his emotions when he feels them and put yourself in his place; from there everything will be much easier.

The six-year crisis, like all the crises that will arise throughout the child’s life, are key to their development. They have to build their personality and that carries ups and downs in the process. If you want to help him and take him in the best way, put these keys into practice, which can be of great help in some moments. Staying calm and creating a good atmosphere at home is essential.

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