5 Things Happy Mothers Do

It is very difficult to hide a good state of happiness! The reasons why a mother can be happy are many, and in this article we select the most important.
5 things happy mothers do

A happy mother can be seen in her face with enthusiasm and the desire to enjoy a new day with her family. It does not matter if she is a mother who works all day, part time or if she works as a stay at home … a happy mother enjoys the days as they come because she feels lucky to live life together with her loved ones. Happy mothers have a different way of seeing the world and it is reflected in the things they do on a daily basis.

But there are mothers of all kinds, there are also women who threaten, yell, degrade and ignore their children because they are not happy. Are you a happy or unhappy mother? There are some very clear differences to know and today I want to talk to you about this so that you can value it and that way you can modify your behavior in case you do not feel good about your way of acting daily and you realize that you need another approach.

1. They don’t think about perfection

Happy mothers know that perfection does not exist and they do not obsess over it. They don’t put unrealistic expectations about their children, about cleanliness, or about any other aspect of life . They are not one of the mothers who compare their children with others because they know that each child has a different rate of development and nothing happens. Happy mothers do not compete with anyone, they know that perfection does not exist and that you learn from mistakes … because life is a continuous learning.

2. They know how to choose their battles

Happy mothers do not argue about anything or get angry over nonsense. In addition, they do not criticize their children because they know that it can seriously damage self-esteem, so they prefer to help their children and guide them in what they need, praising the effort without looking so much at the results. Happy mothers can get frustrated when they see other mothers in the park yelling at their children to give them orders, they prefer to guide their children to learn, without orders only with instructions.


3. They are honest

A mother who considers herself happy is honest and children know that if Mom says something, she means it. You may have joking moments, but if you say or promise something, it will always be strictly adhered to. When a mother is not honest it is dangerous because there could be a lack of trust between mother and child. Mothers need to create this trust so that children feel secure in them. Although it is not always easy to do what is said, a happy mother will at least try.

4. They really listen

Happy mothers really listen to their children when they tell them things, whatever they want to explain. In addition, it is necessary to differentiate that listening must be done with the intention of understanding rather than responding quickly to anything. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a mother who holds her son or daughter in her arms and is listening to everything that her little one has to say to her. A happy mother knows that she should always listen, laugh, understand, and advise at the right times.


5. They teach something new every day

A mom who teaches her children new things every day is a mom who knows that every day is an opportunity to learn. A happy mother knows that no question that her children can ask her is a silly question and that all of them are equally important and must be answered with respect and love. A mother knows that she must teach her children everything, from why the sky is blue to why they must be silent at times to show respect to others.

A happy mother does these 5 things every day but also wakes up with a smile and is able to draw energy on the grayest days. Happiness is not a goal that must be achieved, it is a path that must be traveled every day to be able to enjoy it and this is what happy mothers teach their children. It is very important to be happy so that children understand what happiness is!

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