6 Tips To Help Your Children With Their English Homework

The organization of time and space is essential to guide your children when doing their homework.
6 tips to help your children with their English homework

Helping your children with their English homework is a challenge and an opportunity for you and for them. If you have forgotten what you learned in school and university, you can remember and practice while accompanying them.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of tools that you can use to reinforce the content that your child studies in his classes and answer any questions that arise.

In current schools, the intention is to implement the teaching of English as a second language. In the words of Richards: “like a language with a communicative function, but different from the mother tongue”.

It is used as a vehicle for interaction with the media or with other institutions, allows the development of cognitive and communication skills and is considered a competitive skill at the work level.

Being such an important aspect to contribute to your child’s academic and personal growth, it will probably require a little assistance. Learn below how you can advise him with his duties.

Tips to help your children with their English homework.

How to help your children with their English homework?

1. Select the right tools

You probably need to use a good virtual dictionary, some specific software and, perhaps, a translator and audio player. Have these items on hand before you start doing your homework, and put them in a clean, isolated space.

Organize space and tools to avoid interruptions once they have started the study routine. You should also make sure that there are no distracting elements around.

2. Choose the right time and write down the pending tasks in an agenda

Choose a time of day when your child is not hungry or overly tired or sleepy. Physical conditions are essential when executing thought processes.

In addition, it is convenient that you write the assignments to be done in an agenda and highlight the ones that are finished. It is a way to organize time and for children to feel motivated by seeing their progress.

3. Stay informed

It is always a good idea to contact the children’s teachers or school counselors. This way you will be able to know how their behaviors, progress or difficulties have been during the classes.

In this sense, with the guidance of the teachers, you will know what you should reinforce when helping your children with their English homework. They can also advise you with materials or multimedia resources that are useful to practice at home.

Other tips to help your children with their English homework

We continue with the tips that you must remember …

4. Review the study topics in advance

If you have knowledge in English, it will only be necessary to look for exercises or activities to stimulate skills. On the contrary, if you have difficulties with the language,  you can think of a virtual course to learn before explaining to your children. Fortunately, on the internet you can find hundreds of tutorials, worksheets, recordings, videos and explanations for each of the topics.

Tips to help your children with their English homework.

5. Facilitates communicative situations at home

The best way for your children to learn English is to make it something everyday and with real use. Allow your children to watch their favorite shows in the language or use interactive tools on electronic devices.

So teach them songs, rhymes, and stories to enrich their vocabulary and put their speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills to use. This is very important so that your learning does not decline.

6. Make it fun

Also, many children and adults conceive of English as a difficult, boring and useless subject. To avoid this negative thinking it is important that you go to games and entertaining activities that involve them. Not only children learn by having fun, adults also assimilate information more easily through play.

To help your children with their English homework, remember …

Also, remember that when it comes to helping your children with their English homework, you must acknowledge their efforts and progress. It is also important that you do not do the work for them, but that you accompany them so that they learn for themselves. The job as parents and counselors is to constantly supervise and provide motivation. Use all the available tools to optimize your children’s learning.

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