6 Water Games With Children

Do you remember how happy you were in your childhood, enjoying the heat and the sun with your friends? Offer your child these great ideas to spend hilarious afternoons with their classmates.
6 water games with children

When summer afternoons roll in, it’s the ideal time for children to spend time with friends playing outside. Whether or not they are fortunate enough to have a pool to cool off in, it is a great idea for parents to suggest activities for fun, such as these water games with children.

All children like summer. Unlike the other stations, this one has the advantage that different, highly entertaining games can be played. An example of this is the water games with children, for which we will present some ideas below.

7 water games with children

1. Water mattress for water games with children

It is the traditional water game in which we have all participated at some time. It consists of placing a piece of plastic or a tarp on the ground and covering it with soap and water. This will make the surface extremely slippery. If there is a slope, the fun will multiply; Take advantage of it to create a water slide that will amuse your child and his friends!

2. Games with water balloons

The water balloons offer a great variety in terms of recreational activities. For example, you can play to pass the balloons between the participants, who will be located at a relatively wide distance inside the pool or outside it.

In this game, the constant threat of the balloon exploding in someone’s hands will create exciting tension. Another very entertaining option is to play the classic ‘war’. This is extremely fun when there are many participants and a suitable place to run and hide.

3. Marco Polo for water games with children

The best thing about this game is that it can be played both on land and in the water. A player must blindfold and try to catch up with the others, who will be constantly on the move. Remember that every time the seeker yells ‘Marco’ the others must reply ‘Pole’ to give him a clue of his location.

4. Aquatic limbus

This game is quite similar to traditional limbo. The difference is that, instead of using a stick, we must cross under a stream of water. As you can see, it is extremely simple: a participant – who may be the adult – will be in charge of holding the hose from which the jet will come out. The children, meanwhile, will be organized in a row to go one by one underneath. Add music and summer entertainment is guaranteed!

5. Words with ice for water games with children

Without a doubt, this game can become your big hit of the summer, provided there are enough children to participate in it. It is played like this: place the children in a round and, in the center, a bucket with ice cubes and squirt guns.  The adult or one of the children stays in the center of the circle with the cube. The other children should group in pairs and, at the signal, run towards the center. There, they will pick up an ice cube and the child in the center will say a word to them.

The next step is to run to where the partner is and write, with the ice and letter by letter, the word heard on his back. When the child who does not know the word guesses it, the other participant can run to the center and look for his water pistol as a prize. The only thing left is to use the remaining time to get everyone wet before they finish!

Family playing outdoors.

6. Fill the bucket

This is a classic but very entertaining idea for water games with children. It consists of filling a bucket of water, which must start empty, using small plastic bottles, which we will fill in a secluded place. For example, you can place a bucket full of water at the other end of the patio or pool where they will refill.

If you want to add difficulty, you can set the rule that the bottle must be carried on the head; In this case, it may be a good idea to use jugs, to make them easier to carry. The winner’s reward will be to empty the bucket full of water on the rival team, it will be a very fun competition!

With these simple activities, you will have guaranteed summer fun for your little ones. Don’t waste time and take them out to the patio to enjoy these great activities with friends. Summer is the best time to enjoy the outdoors.

7 games that never go out of style

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