7 Behaviors Of The Baby During The First Months Of Life

Do you want to know what are some of the common behaviors of babies during the first months of life? We present them to you, below.
7 behaviors of the baby during the first months of life

The behaviors of the baby during the first months of life will produce a unique and unrepeatable sensation.  The welcome at home of the little one after the birth is one of the most special and beautiful moments for every mother.

Baby evolution

In the first months, the evolution of the baby is dazzling, since it is a period of continuous growth and development full of discoveries, both for parents and for the newborn.

It is a time when the baby undergoes physical, social-emotional and intellectual development.  In this process, the baby’s behavior will leave you full of doubts and with some questions to solve.

For this reason, below we detail 7 baby behaviors that you will surely identify quickly.

7 behaviors of the baby during the first months of life

1.- Deep sleep

Your first days will be accompanied by deep sleep, either during the day or at night. In fact, in the first days you can sleep about 20 hours a day, in which you wake up almost exclusively to eat.

Sleeping is one of the most important routines for your health that will allow you to carry out, properly, the rest of the activities.

2.- Smile while you sleep

While your baby sleeps, they may unintentionally show you their best smile.

Keep in mind that the little one will not be aware of it. This act is popularly known as the smile of angels.

The smile of angels is one of the typical baby behaviors.

3.- Shouts to vocalizations (0 to 3 months)

During the first few weeks, the little one expresses anger, frustration, hunger, pain and pleasure through screams and tears.

In the first months, understanding a baby’s cry is not easy. However, your requests are in no way in vain. In its first three months, it will begin to respond to the sound of your voice with vocalizations and chirps.

4.- The baby’s cry

Often in the first few months, the baby cries frequently. Crying is, for the moment, his only means of communication. Your tears can translate into hunger or discomfort, but they are not always easy to interpret.

Many parents feel powerless over their little one’s crying. So remember: you must not panic. Try to reassure him, taking him in your arms and do not systematically associate this crying with suffering.

5.- He puts things in his mouth

The baby will discover the world at ground level and through the mouth to grasp objects within reach. It is an appetite for exploration that is not without danger.

That is why you must be careful to keep your child away from any object that can be swallowed due to their eagerness to discover.

It is normal for babies to suck their fingers during the first months of life.

6.- Anger of the baby

Sometimes the baby shows discomfort or fatigue through anger.  There is no need to worry when these tantrums are on time.

This irritability can also be a sign of physical discomfort that needs to be understood. In the event that you notice a sudden change in behavior on various levels, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

7.- Use of body language (from 4 to 7 months)

After four months, the baby has greater control of his body.  His vision is good and, driven by curiosity, he shows great interest in toys, which represent a gold mine for his motor and intellectual learning.

In the sixth month, his arms and hands move and this is when the little one uses sign language to communicate.  In addition, he may roll over, trying to sit up alone at the cost of a search for balance, strength, and coordination.

During the first months of life, touching and looking are their ways of communicating. As he grows, you will discover new behaviors of the baby that will influence his development.

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