7 Ways To Show Love In The Family

For many, showing love in the family is not an easy task. But beyond saying the magic words, there are different details or attitudes that we can use to express what we feel.
7 ways to show love in the family

Many times we take for granted that others know how we feel about them. And, although you may know it, it never hurts to show love in the family. If you do not know how to do it, in the next article we will give you some keys.

How to show love in the family?

Perhaps you think that showing love in the family is walking down the street giving hugs or saying nice words for everyone else to see. However, a loving phrase indoors is more valuable than a statement shouted from the rooftops.

If you don’t know how to tell your family members that you love them, you have to start expressing your feelings when no one else hears them. This will be much easier! Is it hard for you to say what you feel? Pay attention to these tips:

1. Lose your shyness

Maybe you don’t show that you love your family because you are too shy or embarrassed. But did you know how fear, shyness, or shame can be lost? Saying what you feel! It doesn’t have to be something too elaborate, just the two magic words (” I love you” ) is enough. What’s the worst that could happen to you? Let them tell you that they love you too!

2. Leave small messages

If you don’t feel ready yet to say that you love your family “live and direct”, you can always opt for a message to be seen when you are not present. For example, a letter on the bedside table, a card on the refrigerator door, a text message on your mobile or an email so you know that you always think of them.

3. Praise

Showing love in the family goes beyond specific words. It also has a lot to do with small everyday acts. A great way to say how you feel for others without using the “magic words” is to praise something they have done well.

Family sharing breakfast to show their love.

You can, for example, congratulate on a delicious dinner, because the room is tidy, for good grades at school, for an achievement at work or because the house has been sparkling. The compliment is part of empathy and leaves the person who receives it happy, but also the person who pronounces it.

4. Caress

Words are not necessary to show love in the family. Both hugs and kisses and caresses may be what we need. The human being needs the physical contact of those around him to feel loved, cared for and respected.

For example, you can touch the arm, shoulder, hand or head of a member of your family while talking to him, hold his hand while they walk in the park or give him a hug when they see each other after being apart all day.

5. Have fun

Sharing time with our children, siblings or parents is another way to show love in the family. Of course, because it means that they are the most important thing and that there is nothing else that could deserve our hours.

Do not forget that time is a scarce commodity and should only be used in what is worthwhile, like your family. Take the opportunity to go to the park or the cinema, to enjoy board games or cards, to dance and laugh out loud. What better way to say that you love them than having a great time?

Family playing cards with lots of love.

6. Help them

If you do not dare (yet) to say how much you love your family, another way to express it without words is through help. The most typical examples are with housework or with homework, but there are many more options.

7. Apologize

Asking for forgiveness when we make a mistake is another way to show love in the family. Why? Because we are telling them that we care about them and that we will do our best to make up for the mistake we made.

Finally, you can tell your family members how much you love them through small gifts that do not have to mean a big expense of money. Much better if you make them yourself or if they represent something important to you.

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