8 Games To Entertain Children During Long Trips

If you have alternatives to entertain children on trips, the journey will be more enjoyable, whether we are in the car or on a plane. The following activities are suitable for the whole family!
8 games to entertain children during long trips

If you have decided to go on vacation by car or if the chosen place requires traveling many hours by plane , one of the biggest concerns of parents is how to prevent their children from getting bored. Therefore, we present you the best games to entertain children during long trips. And goodbye to boredom!

Games to entertain children during long trips

Before choosing the games to entertain children during long trips, it is necessary to take into account their ages, their tastes and the characteristics of the vehicle. Of course, because if we go by car we can always turn to the internet ‘savior’ on our mobile; for the plane, meanwhile, we will go to the movies on board.

However, when the journeys last several hours, even the most technological of the little ones get bored with the screen and want something else (which is not to sleep either). So it is time for parents to let their imaginations run wild and entertain them with lots of creativity.

Here are some games to entertain children during long trips that can be adapted depending on the age of each one and their level of boredom.

1. Color hunters

One of the participants says a color and the others must mention nearby objects that include it. For example, if it says red, it could be a counter sign, a car, a toy, Mom’s bag, etc.

2. Word hunters

Similar to the previous one, but a little more difficult: a letter is said and objects that begin with it must be listed. For example with the “C”: car, box, cord, cutlery, cologne, etc.

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3. Family songs

If we go by car, one of the games to entertain the children during the most fun long trips is to have everyone sing a song together. It can be ‘a cappella’ or the one we hear on the radio.

We can even listen to lists of children’s songs from the mobile or record children’s favorite songs on a USB and then listen to them on the car player . Of course, we can always use YouTube videos as a music player.

4. Riddles as games to entertain children during long trips

It is one of the classics for long trips. A riddle is proposed that can be something of the style : say an object that begins with the letter “A” or is colored ‘blue’. You can also make riddles about characters, movies, foods or sports indicating some characteristics of your own. It’s really fun!

5. Count objects

To keep children paying attention to the road for perhaps an hour or more, we can choose the game of counting objects or cars that are of a specific color or brand. Better if they are something difficult to find, such as yellow vehicles, to make it more fun.

6. Learn traffic signs

It can be learned by playing at all times, even on long road trips. As a first step, parents should know the meaning of the signs (or can be searched at the moment online), and then explain them to children. In a second instance, they will be asked what each sign means.

7. Paint and draw also as games to entertain children during long trips

This is not a game in itself, but it is more than good for long airplane trips, where you have to sit for many hours and you can only see clouds through the window. Buy her a nice painting book or plain notebook and colored pencils. And perhaps you even allow your child to bring out his vocation as an artist almost without realizing it.

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8. Tell stories

The last of the games to entertain children during long trips on this list can be carried out in several ways. The most classic is to take a storybook and read it until the end (or until the little one falls asleep). On the other hand, we can also invent stories with something related to the trip or let the children tell us a story, which will surely be very fanciful.

As you can see, there are many game options to entertain children on long trips. It’s just a matter of being creative and paying attention to the needs of infants.

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