8 Tips For Traveling With Children Of 1 And 2 Years By Car

Traveling with the little ones in the house can become difficult. Learn the best distraction, entertainment and safety tips for those hours of travel.
8 tips for traveling with children of 1 and 2 years by car

If you have a newborn or a child between 1 and 2 years old, safety is very important when you are traveling. The choice of the car seat and the safety during the trip will reduce the chances of the baby dying in a car accident by 70%. If your child is very young, the number of reduced chances is over 50%. It is important to make sure that the baby’s car seat is the right size. 

The first recommendation that you must take into account all the security measures that exist when buying the right seat and that it has a good installation in the car, that is why it is recommended that you have the isofix tool that adjusts to the rear seat preventing the seat from moving excessively.

In addition to having the right car seat and finding one that responds to all the appropriate safety measures required by law, it is important to take other tips into account in order to enjoy a safe car trip and that is also pleasant with your young children between 1 and 2 years old.

Tips for traveling with young children by car

1. Two adults in the car

If it is a long trip, it can be considered appropriate for two adults to go in the car, so one will be the one to drive and the other the one who takes care of the needs of young children if necessary.

That way there will be no danger of distractions from the driver and the trip will be much safer for everyone.

2. Distraction for the little ones

It is important that whether the journey is long or short, if your child is not asleep, he can be distracted, in this way the child can feel entertained and will not want to attract the attention of adults.

One idea is to have some soft toys on hand so that you can enjoy them while on the road. It is better if they are soft toys so that you can get a good grip on them without danger of them falling to the ground.

3. Driving in the child’s nap

Many parents choose to schedule the trip at the time when their children have to take naps, this way they will ensure that their children will fall asleep and that they will be able to have a pleasant and trouble-free trip. So the child can sleep for most of the journey for the peace of all. 


4. Install a baby mirror

There are some baby mirrors that are installed under the rear view mirror in the car or in the sun visor at the right angle so that you can see the rear seat well without having to turn your head.

If the driver turns his head even for a few seconds to check how the baby is doing, that is enough time for an accident to occur. All the measures are few for the safety in the trip by car. 

5. Never leave home without medication

Never leave home or go on a trip without having essential and necessary medicines and having them on hand. You should always have an emergency kit with medicines for babies and children on hand. You never know when you might need them.

6. Keep the mobile phone fully charged

You may want to keep your mobile phone in hand with the necessary numbers in case there is something unforeseen … but to be able to call you must have your mobile charged.

Also, if it is not to call, you may want to teach your child at some critical moment a video or song for babies (do not be alarmed, we all do).


7. Do not feed your child with the car running

Never feed your baby while the car is in motion, the ideal is to stop at a rest stop with the appropriate facilities.

If you feed your baby while the car is in motion, there could be a choking hazard. 

8. A calm environment

It is very important to maintain a calm and quiet atmosphere in the car, with soft voices and relaxing music. The tension and agitation of the passengers or loud music can make the situation stressful and dangerous. Calm and serenity are necessary for the car trip.

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