8 Tips For Visiting The Newborn In Hospital

After nine 9 months of waiting, it is normal for friends and family to want to meet the baby. But what should you know before going to visit the newborn in the hospital?
8 tips for visiting your newborn in the hospital

There is no doubt that the birth of a baby brings joy to family and friends; However, excessive visits to the child can end up causing fatigue and stress for the new parents.

Therefore, when going to visit the newborn in the hospital, it is good that you take into account some guidelines. In this way you will not disturb the adaptation process of the parents and the tranquility of the baby. Here are some tips that will be of great help to you.

8 essential tips for visiting your newborn in the hospital

It is normal that, if it is a family member or your friend who has given birth, you have the desire to know what the baby is like. But we all know that parents need time to adjust to new situations; therefore, you must be cautious when making the visit. For example, avoid inappropriate comments and unsolicited advice.

1. Consult parents before visiting

Do not show up by surprise, give advance notice of your visit to avoid arriving at a bad time. In addition, you should consult before if you can go to the hospital, as some parents decide not to receive visitors until they are installed at home. In such a case, respect the parents’ decision and wait for the right moment.

Labor involves several phases.

2. Appropriate time and time for the visit 

Avoid going to the hospital for the first 24 hours unless you are a close relative, since the mother needs to rest on the first day. In addition, it requires time and privacy for the newborn to get used to breastfeeding.

On the other hand, it is better not to visit the newborn in the hospital when night approaches, since this is the time that most parents use to establish rest routines. The best thing is that this moment is not disturbed or interrupted by other people.

3. Be careful with smells

One detail that is often overlooked is the issue of smells. It should be noted that both the mother and the newborn in the first days are very sensitive to odors. Therefore, when going to the hospital, be careful and try not to use perfume or creams with strong fragrances.

4. Maintain hygiene and neatness

It is vital to maintain hygiene when around the baby. Therefore, wash your hands before entering the baby’s room and try not to go with the clothes you have worn during the work day.

Also, remember that you should not smoke near the room or before the visit to avoid the smell of tobacco. Finally, if you have a cold or a medical condition, postpone the visit until you feel better.

5. Make sure there are not too many people in the room

There should be no more than 6 or 8 people in the room. In fact, it is better to wait and enter in shifts of two or three people. In this way, extreme noises that overwhelm the mother and the newborn are avoided.

6. Do not insist on holding the baby if the mother does not authorize it

The main thing for the little one is to be with his mother, and not to spend all the time from arms in arms. If he is calm with his parents, is asleep or eating, do not insist on picking him up.  Separations of the child from the mother, even for a few minutes, interfere with the process of effective breastfeeding.

A good diet is essential to face different congenital diseases, including metabolic diseases.

7. Don’t forget the older siblings

If the new member of the family has older siblings who are present,  do not leave them aside, pay attention to them as well. Also, if the parents need help with their care, you can lend yourself to stay with them until they return home.

8. Be careful with the details

One of the tips that we give you before going to visit the newborn in the hospital is to ask a relative what is the best detail for both the parents and the baby. Sometimes an accessory like clothes, toys, or a bottle is the best option. He thinks that perhaps the mother is thinking of regaining her figure and the least she wants to do is eat chocolate or sweets.

Above all, think that the new parents will be delighted that you share this wonderful experience with them, but at the same time tired and wanting privacy. Let’s make it easy for you!

Appointments for newborns, parents and relatives

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