8 Tips To Be More Patient With Your Children

Children have an innate tendency to disobey and parents to lose patience easily. We give you some tips to improve this virtue when children disobey.
8 tips to be more patient with your children

It is very important to be patient with children and manage our emotions and stress levels. Sometimes, this itself ends up being the trigger for our lack of patience and that, most of the time, our children pay.

Motherhood and fatherhood provide us with many experiences and in all of them this virtue plays a very important role. Therefore, it is essential to learn to be more patient with our children. Next, we are going to see some tips that can help us be more patient with our children, whether they are younger or teenagers.

Tips for more patience with toddlers

Raising our children requires us to be patient and not get carried away by anger and stress. Childhood is a stage that goes from birth to 11 years, therefore, we are going to see how to have more patience with children of these ages.

Father talking as a family learning to have more patience with the children.

Rest before facing conflict situations

All of us, as human beings, have emotions, and the things that happen to us throughout the day will cause those emotions to fluctuate. Therefore, we must be cautious and try to rest from a bad day before getting into an argument with our children.

If they call us from school saying that the little one has behaved badly, before we get home with all the fatigue from work and pay for it with the child, we can stop to rest for a few minutes and relax.

Develop our emotional intelligence

This advice is useful for both young children and teenagers. Thanks to emotional intelligence we are able to identify the emotions we feel at all times and regulate them so that they adapt to the situation and objectives. For this, emotional intelligence workshops, techniques that help regulate emotions, etc. can help us.

Make sure we are giving the instructions clearly and simply

If we are clear in what we say, we will not cause ambiguous situations that children can use to transgress some norm that we had imposed. Parents have to create situations that help our children to behave correctly.

Take care of our health to be patient with our children

Our psychological health is closely linked to our physical health. Therefore, we have to take care of our body to have a good energy level. Although this may be complicated for parents, we can reach healthy levels if we try to sleep the corresponding hours and eat healthy as the whole family.

Be clear that, as a general rule, children try to break the rules

All human beings are not born with an innate predisposition to comply with all the rules that we encounter. Therefore, breaking the rules for a child is totally normal and is no exception.

If we are clear about this, we can avoid getting frustrated if what we have planned does not go as we would have liked as a result of irrational behavior on the part of the smallest of the house.

Tips for more patience with teens

Adolescence is, in itself, a complicated stage in which boys are in a continuous search for their identity and, therefore, the authority of their parents goes through a crisis that they do not admit.

As a consequence, many adolescents transgress social norms, become rebellious as a way to obtain instant gratification (I do what I want, despite harming or harming others) and, in addition, they feel that with these attitudes they show courage and independence .

In this sense, with adolescent boys we can also use the advice that we have seen previously, but we are going to give you some more specific key ideas.

Remember that our mission is to educate them, not punish them

Punishments do not have to be bad in all cases. Sometimes, if the adolescent does not want to collaborate or does not have the will to correct a certain behavior, we can apply them, but always explaining why.

More than punishments, we can call them consequences that we apply when a problem behavior occurs on the part of the boy. It is important that we are clear that the consequences or physical punishment are totally ruled out.

Mother talking with her son to accept his lights and his shadows.

Do not characterize ourselves as someone who imposes his criteria

It is essential that we have authority, but it should not be used as a method of imposition with our children. We have to give them the opportunity to speak up and tell us how they feel and what they think.

Taking their opinion seriously is important, even if it is not correct or correct and, when they are not right, we must explain why they are not.

Share our experiences with other parents of teens

Talking about our experiences as parents of teenagers with other parents who are in the same place as us can help us see things differently. The experiences of others can enrich us and help us express our frustrations and concerns with someone who is going through the same things as us.

Ultimately, as we have seen, having more patience with children is going to be crucial to avoid family conflicts that nobody likes. We all know the stress that parents experience on a day-to-day basis: work, childcare, homework, etc. On many occasions, this excess of stress can cause our patience to fall and at the least we explode.

To avoid these conflicts with your children, you can use these tips that we have given you; They will help you to have a better frame of mind and, therefore, greater patience with children, even if it sometimes seems like an impossible mission.

Patience, an essential virtue in parents

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