8 Toys For 2-year-olds With Which They Will Develop Skills

Playing with your children will help them grow up healthy and confident. In addition, they will learn things that will serve them as they grow and interact with others. These 2-year-old toys can be very useful.
8 toys for 2-year-olds with which they will develop skills

If your children want to play, of course you shouldn’t stop them. Play is essential for the intellectual and social development of children. However, you need to provide them with toys according to their age. Then discover what toys for children 2 years recommended.

These elements are a great way for your children to develop new ideas, strengthen their imaginations, and even relax. Also, their emotional skills improve with them, and infants learn to share.

Opt for these 8 toy ideas for 2-year-olds

It is true that little ones have a lot of imagination and that, therefore, they can play with anything they see. Still, it is best if they have their own toys, as these have been created according to their needs. In this list, you will see some suggestions that your little ones are sure to love.

1. Dolls

2-year-old girls and boys take a lot of interest in their mothers and other people they look up to. That is why they perform imaginary games of adult lives, and dolls are ideal for this.  With them they can play mom or dad, doctors, teachers or any character that comes to mind.

2. Transport carts

Because their hands are small, they cannot carry all the toys and objects they grasp. So if they have a cargo cart, it will be easier for them to play their games. It is as if they were enjoying a market car; they will surely love it.

Construction games for children provide many benefits for their development.

3. Building games

At this age, children love building towers and then breaking them down. By doing this, they  develop motor skills, as they learn to manipulate objects according to their volume, size and shape. They also improve your attention span and visual memory.

On the other hand, the little ones learn to solve problems, distinguish colors and orient themselves in space. The pieces of these games must be large enough to avoid accidents, since at this stage of their lives they put everything in their mouths.

4. Stacking cubes

One of the most recommended toys for 2-year-olds is cubes, but why? By playing with cubes, the little ones not only have fun, but they also learn to be confident. If they have stacked a tower and it falls, it causes frustration, but this setback teaches them to be tolerant.

5. Colors and sheets of paper

Although this in itself is not a toy, 2-year-olds are very fond of drawing pictures. In the eyes of adults, they look like simple squiggles. However, for them it is a whole world of imagination that flies in their mind and that they want to capture.

So before they use up all your books and pencils, or worse, they choose the walls as a place to be creative, supply them with non-toxic paints and colored pencils.

6. A playhouse

Infants like to believe that they live in a fantasy world in which they are adults. If you create a space where they can hide to play house, that would be wonderful. This can simply be a cardboard box or a sheet stretched between the furniture.

7. Animals on your farm

The most appropriate thing is that they are in contact with real animals so that they can touch, know and interact with them. However, a toy farm can also help them learn a little more about animal life.  For example, what is the shape of each one and to imitate their sounds.

8. Musical instruments

With instruments like tambourines, harmonicas, drums, pianos, maracas, and xylophones, kids will have a blast. Remember that since they don’t know how to use them yet, they will create a lot of noise in the house. However, it will be worth it, as they will learn about music from a young age, something that will make them very happy.

Toys for 2-year-olds seek to promote the development of the child's different abilities.

How to make cube toys at home?

Making your own toys for 2-year-olds is easy and fun. For this, you will need:

  • Cardboard boxes:  These can be obtained from cereal, milk, shoe boxes, or medicine boxes. The important thing is that they are of different sizes.
  • News paper.
  • White glue.
  • Scotch tape.
  • Colors or paints.

The procedure is very simple: First, fill the boxes with enough newspaper so that they do not squash when you squeeze. Then, glue all its ends, line with paper and paint them to your liking. Finally, put tape on to make them more durable cubes.

Ultimately, toys for 2-year-olds can help them acquire various skills. So, feel free to provide them; Obviously, also remember that you should play with them so that they feel safe and happier.

9 educational toys for 2-year-olds

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