9 Things That Should Not Be Missing In Your Baby’s Room

If you are preparing your baby’s room, do not miss these 9 things that cannot be missing.
9 things that should not be missing in your baby's room

When designing your baby’s room, it is recommended that you buy some things that are essential so that both you and he are always comfortable. Do not forget that this will be the first stay that your child will have after leaving your womb, reason enough to pay attention to the details that will make a difference in their room.

Ensuring that safety and comfort go hand in hand in your baby’s room is very important. Be very clear that this room will not only be for your child, but that you will also spend a lot of time in it. It is not necessary that you fill it with thousands of things, but you do have those essentials that provide you with greater comfort.

Next we will detail the things that should never be missing in your baby’s room

Moses in your baby’s room

The first crib for a newborn. It is usual that during the first days of life the baby does not sleep in a crib but in a bassinet. This gives it a feeling of shelter and offers a greater possibility of mobility for parents to transport it from one place to another without running the risk of the little one waking up.

The bassinet must have a firm surface that covers its entire base, generally made to measure with a material similar to that of the mats. The sides should also be lined with the same material so that the baby feels warm.

Family around a newborn baby sleeping in a bassinet

A crib for babies

Without a doubt, this is one of the most important elements that will make up your child’s room. The crib must have a series of specific characteristics that make it comfortable and safe.

Today there are a type of cribs on the market designed so that, once the baby grows, they can become beds. At first it may be a high investment, but think that this way you will have a guaranteed bed when your child has to leave his crib.

Something that every crib should have is a hard mattress that fits the size of the furniture, a kind of mat that is firm enough so that the baby always sleeps on a flat surface. In addition, there should be no excess spaces between the crib and the mattress, otherwise the child could hurt himself.

Closet for clothes in your baby’s room

Even if they are small, you will be surprised how many clothes a baby can have. For this reason,  having a closet to store everything you use in an orderly way is a good way to keep your room in order.

Make sure that the closet has several divisions to be able to separate your clothes, towels, coats, shoes and different products of daily use. Reserve a place for their toys as well, because even if they are not many at first, they will surely increase in number as time goes by.

A changing table in your baby’s room

There will be many diapers and clothes that you will have to change your baby day after day, so having a space reserved for this task will be of great help. Some cribs have a built-in changing table so you can perform different tasks.

Most of the changing tables that are sold in the market are located on the top of a cabinet with drawers where you can also store your baby’s clothes. When choosing one, make sure that you can change your little one standing up, that is, without having to bend over, as this routine can affect the back if it is not performed in a completely straight position.

mom changing her baby

A mobile full of colors

The mobiles that are placed on the crib awaken the interest of the baby in the first months of life.  It is not only a recreational element, but also stimulates the senses of sight and hearing.

Therefore, choosing the correct one for your baby’s room will be very important. When you go to buy your mobile, make sure it is brightly colored, that it emits some kind of sound and that it can be turned on and off whenever you want. Be careful that the mobile is not too long, as soon your baby will grow and be able to reach it.

A sofa

Keep in mind that you will spend a lot of time in your baby’s room to feed and care for him. A comfortable chair, rocking style, for example, will be a good ally for these tasks. If your baby gets used to falling asleep in your arms, it will make the journey to his crib shorter and he will have less chance of waking up.

Another advantage for the chair to be placed in your baby’s room is that you can use it to breastfeed. In this way you will achieve greater intimacy with your baby without the distractions of other people living at home.

A night lamp

Apart from the common lighting that your baby’s room has, it is essential that you always have a lamp on hand that you can use mainly at night. Remember that newborns wake up many times during the first few nights to eat or simply because they are uncomfortable.

It is important to remember that babies associate a strong lighting with the day and a weak one with the night, so it will be more difficult for you to sleep in the early morning if they have received a stimulus from the main lamp in their room. Look for a bedside lamp that allows you to regulate the intensity of the light, so that you can adapt it to your immediate need.

Baby bottle sterilizer

It is recommended to sterilize the bottles during the first months of the baby’s life, since their immune system is not yet developed enough to avoid certain infections.

A good option is steam sterilization, using devices in which you insert the bottles and select the sterilization time. This last system is quite comfortable and allows you to always have clean bottles.

Baby with his mom

Thermometer and other material for cures

Your baby may contract a disease at any time, so it is best to be prepared. It is advisable to have at least a thermometer and a small medicine cabinet to carry out small cures at home. This can help you with tasks such as healing the umbilical cord during the first days of the baby’s life.

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