Why Is It Important To Let The Child Make Mistakes?

The frustrations we have as children cause us to develop a tolerance for mistakes. They immunize us, prepare us for life
Why is it important to let the child make mistakes?

Do I answer you:

Because the “blows” teach.

But put like that, in such a crude way, it gives the idea that the child in question is not loved, right?

Human beings do not like failure. Failure means failing, not having been able to …, not having achieved … in short, failure is always related to adversity, failure, disappointment, the “blow” of life.

However, some see failure as a teaching, a beginning, the opportunity to learn, to experience what is bad so as not to have the same slip; And that is the teaching that you may not accept, but you must transmit to your child.


Why is it important to let the child make mistakes?

For any parent it is natural, and more than natural a duty, to help their children.

Ideal as:

• Not letting my child have work.
• Give my son what I didn’t have.
May my child be happy.

They are shared by most of the parents.

However, none of these premises will prepare the child for life.
I explain.

Not let my child go through work

Now that the child is young and that the mistakes he makes can be fixed by you, it is easy to let him do it without showing him the consequences of his actions.

With each fall, you pick him up off the ground, dust him off, and start him walking again without giving him the opportunity to strain and try to get up on his own.

But tomorrow, when he is the man or woman you expect, Mom will not always be by his side or have the solutions to all his problems.

Make “not letting my child pass work” become “giving my child the precise tools to solve their mistakes and face what is wrong.”

Make sure your child takes responsibility for his actions. Educate him in such a way that he is able to answer for his behavior and not run under Mom’s skirts seeking salvation.

Even if it is small, rather than telling him what they represent, give him a way of knowing, through his own experience, what the words mean : commitment, obligation, duty, autonomy and responsibility.

“Learn about this last point in how to enhance responsibility and autonomy in children”

Give my son what I didn’t have

The fact that your son meets his goals without the help of mom and dad creates confidence, self- assurance; It enables you to master your movements and develop skills.

Let your child get something on his own and stop to observe his face; you will find a spirit of triumph different from the one that projects when you facilitate any company.

Yes, give your child what you didn’t have:

  • The opportunity to make mistakes and experience the frustrations they create. Teachings that help you face life with greater speed, intelligence and sagacity, with its joys, but above all, with its setbacks.
  • The possibility of learning to be persistent. If every time your child tries to leave a box open and it closes when he takes out his hand, it may not be the first, second or tenth time, but at some point he will conclude that he can hold the lid using, as obstacle, the cookie he holds in his other hand. Let him find out for himself.
    • Letting you make your own decisions without interfering. If the little one wants to reach a ball but tries to go the most difficult way, with obstacles that will make him fall … do not stop him, do not hand him the toy or remove the obstacles. Let him learn to be careful himself, manage to identify the danger, perceive what a fall, a blow hurts. .. so that, when he wants to reach the ball again, he can decide whether to go the same way and cross the barriers as before or find a safer way.

    May my child be happy

    Wanting your child to have a happy life is not a wrong wish; the mistake is to smooth the journey and provide the spiritual and material resources achieved by you for him to enjoy.

    Your child should be happy on his own. Conquer, overcome barriers, achieve success with your efforts and virtues. In this lies true happiness: in the personal and professional fulfillment of the individual who fights for his own interests despite his defects and shortcomings.

    “Expand on this topic in: how to raise happy and emotionally strong children”


    Our advice

    During childhood your child is educated, he learns everything he will need for his life as an adult. But the best way to learn is to experiment, to feel firsthand the good and the bad. Do not deprive your child of being able to assess, comment, draw the conclusion if something is positive or negative for him. Do not pass on your impressions. Let him know on his own.

    Raise a boy or a girl so that they do not collapse at the first obstacle or want to back down when they see that the future that is coming is not what they expected.

    Do not overprotect him, do not try to save him more than you should, do not take away the challenges that will strengthen him as a human being. This does not mean to stop guaranteeing your safety. But let him take the risk to feel the fear and assimilate the mistakes in a safe space.

    Finally: caress him, kiss him, take him in your arms when he makes the odd mistake. After all, he is a child, and we all need someone’s support and love when we fail.

    Take into account our recommendations. Be a better mother every day.

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