How To Explain Social Distancing To Children?

Although children must understand that it is necessary to limit physical contact between people, in order to combat the coronavirus, they should not stop feeling the closeness of their family and friends.
How to explain social distancing to children?

The coronavirus seems to have banished an ingrained belief in human beings: “a hug cures everything . We are learning to live without them, since avoiding physical contact between people is, among other things, an essential condition to eradicate the spread of the virus.

Now, how to explain social distancing to children and that it does not have a negative connotation for them? They are precisely the smallest, who understand that people communicate mainly through body-to-body contact.

What is social distancing in a coronavirus context?

We are talking about maintaining a social distance through a certain physical distancing between people. Thus, by avoiding body-to-body contact, we can prevent the spread and the possibility of contagion of the virus. Because, as we already know, the virus can be spread when a person speaks, sneezes or coughs, and the saliva particles reach the other person.

So, the much talked about social distancing in a context of coronavirus refers precisely to maintaining a space between oneself and other people. A space that we must calculate to be  approximately two meters away from the person closest to us.

Children sad because they cannot play with their friends due to social distancing.

How to explain social distancing to children?

The need for physical contact is essential in the emotional development of babies and children. A caress, a hug, holding hands … are gestures that are part of learning and recognizing emotions at an early age.

Thus, the development of feelings depends on physical contact and how it is internalized, of children with the people around them. That is, the expression and management of feelings depend on the complexity, quantity and quality of these contacts.

Now, given the presence of the coronavirus in our lives, the physical contact that children are used to has suddenly been interrupted.

And beyond the people with whom he lives in his home, a child must maintain social distancing with the rest of his family and friends. And it is quite difficult to make a child understand that he cannot approach an uncle, his grandfather or grandmother, or a neighbor child in his neighborhood.

With which, parents must get their children to understand that it is a physical distancing, but not at all social. Children must understand the reasons why they should stay away from the people they love, without having a negative impact on them.

It is necessary that the little ones adapt, on a psychological level, to a new practice (moving away instead of approaching) to which, by their nature, they are not used to.

How to make children understand that further away is not less love …

To explain social distancing to our children and get them to understand and respect it in a positive way, we can use arguments such as:

Little girl eating watermelon.
  • Explain that the distance with their loved ones is a way to take care of them  and also to take care of themselves.
  • Show them that physical distancing does not imply emotional distance. For which, in these circumstances, it is important to resort to technology, applications and social communication networks, and promote the social closeness of children with their loved ones.
  • Encourage them to go out to the park or take walks for fun at the allowed time and hour intervals. There are some children who show fear of going out, or do not want it because they cannot be near their friends. But still, keeping our distance, it ‘s important that we encourage them and help them socialize anyway.
  • Finally, parents, we must try to comfort and encourage children and explain to them that this is an exceptional situation, and that, therefore, it is a situation that will not last forever. Thus, as parents, we must try to excite our children that very soon they will be able to return to their daily routine of games and hugs.
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