Know What Lumos Is About

At the command of “Lumos!” the wand emits a light that the magician can adjust at his convenience to dispel the shadows around him.
Know what Lumos is about

Have you ever heard of Lumos? Surely this name sounds familiar to you. On several occasions, the most famous wizard of all time, Harry Potter, has used this spell.

In both the literary saga and the film adaptation, this has been one of the most popular spells. And it has recently become the name of the international non-profit organization founded by JK Rowling to end the institutionalization of minors.

Where did it come from?

JK Rowling, before the worldwide success of Harry Potter, had a difficult life. She was not always the woman we are used to seeing today, successful, with a solid voice and surrounded by comforts.

At the time, she was a single mother, went through severe financial straits and had many needs before a publisher finally accepted the manuscript of the first Harry Potter book.

Since then, JK Rowling was already a person sensitized and aware of the many difficulties of everyday life. As a mother and writer, she has always had a special eye and emotional intelligence capable of understanding various circumstances, especially those that concern children.

Harry Potter, the orphan wizard with the lightning scar, was in part the one who inspired the creation of a non-profit organization that was exclusively aimed at rescuing orphaned children confined in orphanages and in any situation of abandonment, precariousness or misery .

What is Lumos?

First of all, Lumos is an NGO founded by British author JK Rowling in 2005. Although its name comes from the spell used by witches and wizards in the magical world to turn on a light, this NGO finds its roots in an event that marked Rowling.

One morning in 2004, JK Rowling read an article in the English newspaper The Sunday Times  in which a photograph appeared of orphaned children in deplorable conditions.

These Czech children sat on what appeared to be barred beds, looking downcast, sad, as if locked in cages.

Faced with that vision, JK Rowling decided to do something to change that reality. From then on, he devoted himself to the creation of the NGO and, together with a team of great humanity, focused on developing strategies to help all those orphaned children, without discrimination of any kind.

JK Rowling, founder and president of Lumos

No matter where they are from in the world, all children will be covered by Lumos. This is how its founder wanted it. Lumos will not limit itself solely to working in the United Kingdom, since that would not solve, in the long term, the plight of thousands and thousands of other children outside these borders.

Your mission

Above all, Lumos wants to provide real solutions. For this reason, his work also includes a meticulous investigation about the orphan conditions of children based on different variables.

Through the data obtained, strategies are developed that allow children to really be helped.

For example, Rowling defends that more than 8 million children in the world live in orphanages and that this is a problem that can be solved through:

  • Preventive measures to avoid child abandonment.
  • Provide support to parents experiencing financial difficulties.
  • Watch over the rights of children and also protect them.
  • End institutionalization ; that is to say, the orphanages.

This includes, of course, the rescue of the children from these centers and their placement in homes where they can enjoy a normal life, love and care.

One of the work modalities that was developed was the personalized study of each orphan case within an institution, to find the true need and thus be able to face the problem and give it an immediate solution.

For example, if a child is assigned to an orphanage because his parents are experiencing financial problems, the aim is to help the family to avoid having to separate and thus enjoy decent living conditions.

The cast of the Harry Potter spinoff with the Lumos t-shirt

Apparently just a t-shirt

Lumos has managed to cover a wide range of actions to help orphaned children, but it is not satisfied with the successes obtained and seeks to continue adding two grains everywhere.

One of the simplest strategies (but its great contribution should not be underestimated for this reason) was the launch of the t-shirts shown in the photo, part of the cast of the Harry Potter spin-offFantastic Animals and where to find them , which reached such popularity which was a great sales success.

The t-shirt was one of the most prominent promotional items of this NGO thanks to the support of many ambassadors from the world of entertainment.

From Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay) to the cast of the Harry Potter franchise itself. Likewise, everything was made possible thanks to thousands of people who purchased this shirt.

From the sales of this seemingly small promotional item, a significant sum was raised, which was fully allocated to Lumos funds to help orphaned children around the world.

What appears to be just a t-shirt with a cute phrase stamped on it, is actually  a ray of light and hope for those children in difficulty, whose life, as Rowling believes, MUST improve as soon as possible.

The shirt itself represents much more than we can ever imagine.

In sum, Lumos seeks to go beyond charitable work and reach out to the entire public through different ways, taking into account the possibilities of different types of public.

Fortunately, this NGO does not intend to stay only in charity events, but seeks to involve in this noble cause all those who are willing to participate in it and help many children to have a dignified life, but above all, full of possibilities. .

Should we adopt?

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