Children’s Stories About Bullying

Through reading stories, children can assimilate and learn various ethical values. Here are some children’s stories to deal with the problem of bullying.
Children's stories about bullying

Most children love stories. These little fictional stories serve to entertain the little ones. But, in addition, they are an ideal educational resource to transmit ethical values. Thus, they can be used to prevent the appearance of school harassment (or bullying ) in a didactic and playful way. For this reason, we have prepared the following article that describes some children’s stories about bullying .

Stories are a useful tool for effective education. Therefore, mothers and fathers should spend a few minutes a day reading at home with their children. In this way, family ties are fostered and various learning can be taught.

Children’s stories in education

One of the advantages of using stories as an educational medium is that they have the  ability to transmit values ​​in an entertaining way. The stories have a logical plot that ties the different parts together, making them much easier to remember. Human memory stores the storyline and accesses the rest of the details of the story.

Children's stories about bullying.

In fact, the moral is the best summary of a story and, therefore, what is best remembered about it. For all these reasons, it is considered that the activity of telling a short story is essential for children to be able to carry out certain learning in a fun way.

Children’s stories about bullying

Children’s stories about bullying have the following objectives:

  • Teach children, in a didactic way, values ​​against bullying.
  • Sensitize children about the problem of bullying.
  • Prevent the appearance of cases of bullying.

But, when choosing the story, the chronological age and educational level of the child must be taken into account,  since a story for a 6-year-old will have a simpler vocabulary and a much simpler plot than that of a Recommended story for a 12 year old.

Thus, on the web Stories to sleep you can find a multitude of stories written by Pedro Pablo Sacristán. These stories are cataloged according to the values ​​to be taught. Therefore, following this classification, we have selected three educational stories that are useful to face and avoid bullying.

In addition, it is important to emphasize that, if these stories are read at home or at school, parents or teachers should be in charge of asking at the end a series of questions about the moral of the story,  so that they should open a debate or conversation to reflect on the teaching of history.

Tintin, the wasp boy

The tale of Tintin, the Wasp Boy is ideal for dealing with the subject of bravery and for teaching how to deal with abuse and bullying. This short story is recommended for children from 6 years old. Its protagonist is Tintin, a sensitive and intelligent boy who is a victim of bullying,  but one day he decides to ingeniously confront his attackers. Thus, reading this story shows that, although we are weaker, we can defend ourselves against bullies, taking advantage of those things they are afraid of.

Children's stories about bullying.

The great gifts

The great gifts is a story that is recommended to be read by children over 9 years of age. This story is designed to make people think about bullying.

This story tells the story of Moncho, a boy with a unique personality. In fact, it was so weird that he couldn’t fit in with other kids his age and was bullied for it.

But, one day, his classmates realize that Moncho really is a very special boy, and they decide to stop messing with him and help him find his qualities. Therefore, with this story we learn that no one should be discriminated against for being the way they are, because everyone has something positive to contribute. 

Goodbye to the law of the jungle

The story entitled Farewell to the law of the jungle is divided into three parts. The first part tells the story of a lion, who acts like a bully. The second one talks about the mouse, which is a victim of harassment. And the last part narrates the behavior of the monkey witnessing the situations of aggression.

This story is more complex than the previous ones. Therefore, its reading is recommended to children over 11 years old. In addition, one can speak, mainly, of three teachings:

  • Respect is not earned by force, but by being fair and doing good for others.
  • Victims of  bullying can cope with this situation by surrounding themselves with friends and being brave.
  • Bystanders, with their behavior, can do a lot to prevent bullying.
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