Hydrating Diet For Children In Summer

Discover the secrets of a hydrating diet for children in summer to prevent the heat from putting their health at risk.
Moisturizing diet for children in summer

Did you know that fluid needs increase in the heat or doing physical exercise? Although it is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters daily, it is also found in food, so it can be covered while you eat. For this reason, we recommend a hydrating diet for children in summer, since they are more vulnerable to dehydration.

In addition, the body is made up of 60-75% water, so using it as your main drink is essential. It also does not contain calories and provides mineral salts. It is even responsible for regulating body temperature and facilitating digestion. It also reduces appetite and caloric intake, key in controlling overweight and obesity.

Do you want to know how to keep your children well hydrated through food? Read on to find out.

Moisturizing diet for children in summer 

Child drinking water because he sweats a lot.

Water content of food 

Do you know that fruits, vegetables and greens contain 80-95% water? And yet, they are the foods whose consumption is less than the recommendation of 5 daily servings. In addition, just in summer it is the season of those that have the highest content, such as watermelon, melon, asparagus and green leafy vegetables. Therefore, it is the ideal time to offer them to the little ones.

We also find dairy products, especially milk, followed by meat, fish and eggs. However, it should be borne in mind that the content decreases or increases with cooking depending on the type of food. For example, legumes need a previous soak and, therefore, go from 7-10% to 70-80%. On the other hand, it is lower in baked or grilled fish than in raw.

Hydrating drinks for children 

As we have mentioned before, water is the fundamental drink for children whose consumption depends on thirst. Sometimes, a rejection occurs, since it lacks flavor, but it has a solution. How? You can add a few drops of some citrus fruit, aromatic herbs and infusions. In addition, you can add slices of fresh fruit and vegetables and let it rest for a few hours in the fridge. Now you can enjoy a homemade soda!

Regarding soft drinks, it is recommended to reduce their consumption, since they only provide sugar or sweeteners and, although it is difficult to understand, they dehydrate. They are even usually accompanied by other products such as salty snacks and sweets, so they become a caloric bomb.

Other useful drinks are milk and plant drinks, which are usually the second choice of the little ones in the house, according to the DONALD study. They have the advantage that they are rich in calcium and vitamin D. As for vegetable drinks, which are the substitute for milk, it is important to know that they are not recommended up to one year of age (rice always, since it is a source of arsenic).

Another advantage of milk is that you can create numerous smoothies by adding fruit and mashing it. You can even complement them with nuts and seeds, or flavor them with cinnamon and cocoa powder. They are a great option, as it provides them with energy after playing in the park.

Fruit smoothies for the summer.

Finally, there is a dilemma with juices. What is better, natural or packaged? What is clear is that they are not equivalent to a fruit, since the fiber has been removed, making the absorption of sugar faster. For this reason, dieticians-nutritionists recommend that fresh and whole fruit be taken from time to time and prioritized, regardless of whether it is prepared at home or purchased. Although they are sold as without added sugar, they have the same effect as if they carried it.

Example of a hydrating diet for children in summer 

  • Breakfast. A glass of milk or oatmeal drink with cocoa powder without added sugar + a natural yogurt with red berries (fresh blueberries and chopped strawberries) and cinnamon.
  • Mid-morning (if you’re hungry). Peanut butter and banana slices sandwich.
  • Food. Quinoa, lentils, tomato, avocado and carrot salad + 3 apricots. Accompanied with a homemade soda of water with peach, lemon and thyme.
  • Snack. 2 whole wheat toast with hummus.
  • Dinner. 1 bowl of gazpacho with slices of vegetables and croutons + cheese omelette + watermelon with lime and mint.

Tips to prevent dehydration in children in summer

In summary, children are more vulnerable to dehydration in summer due to high temperatures. For this reason, it is important that, from a young age, fruits, vegetables and vegetables are part of the day to day, just like water as part of a hydrating diet for children in summer.

As prevention, it is recommended that they drink throughout the day and try to stay in a very cool place in the sunniest hours. Even that they are protected with a cap on their heads.

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