101 Ways To Be A Happy Mother

Are you a happy mother? Surely you have lived many of the moments that in this article we are going to describe.
101 ways to be a happy mother

Do not hesitate there are more than 101 ways to be a happy mother, because motherhood is full of wonderful moments that brings great joys.

It is an endless list that we can make on this subject. That is why below we are going to summarize, in a few simple words, all the satisfactions that motherhood brings to our lives.

101 ways to be a happy mother

  • Feel a heart grow in the womb.
  • The stimulus that makes him feel alive within you.
  • When you already know that they are coming, the desire to want to have them in your arms.
  • See them born healthy and strong. 
  • The moment you breastfeed for the first time.
  • Being able to calm her crying with breastfeeding.
  • The eye contact that is established in each shot.
  • Feel his kicks in the belly for the first time.
  • The intrigue of her first diaper change.
  • Your first warm bath.
  • Watch their progress at each stage and be afraid that they grow so fast.
  • Recognize that your children enjoy being with you.
  • We feel so touchy with his first fever.
  • The spontaneity of the little ones.
  • The laugh of a child.
  • Tell them at every moment how much you love them and nurture that love day by day.
  • When they begin to express themselves.
  • His first tooth, an incredible moment.
  • When your child’s emotion is evident.
  • Watching him eat his first courses with great curiosity.
  • Help them sit up and be a little more assertive.
  • Know that they can move, at least by crawling.
  • The sweet sound that mom says.
  • Celebrate your first tantrums.
  • See their face while they sleep after it has been a challenge to achieve it.
  • Going to bed extremely exhausted, but getting up as if nothing had happened just to see that little face.
  • Convey our love to them at every meal.
  • See its evolution month by month, day by day.
  • Try to please them in everything, even when we don’t understand it.
  • The challenge of facing his antics the right way.
  • Have the opportunity to receive healthy and long-lasting results in parenting.
  • Sing them to sleep until the songs are learned.
  • We are pleasantly surprised when they don’t like something.
  • Help them take their first steps.
  • Looking forward to your first year of life.
  • Assume a new role according to each stage that passes.
  • Celebrate your birthday. 
  • Accompany him to see his favorite movie.
  • Notice that your values ​​begin to take shape.
  • See them becoming responsible for many things.
  • When they achieve their independence.
  • Go pick it up at nursery school or come home after dropping it off.
  • When the baby starts talking.
  • Hear how he creates his first personal song.
  • Have a conversation with your child who barely talks.
  • You hear him thank you.
  • As long as you can give him kisses and hugs.
  • That moment when you speak and you know they understood you perfectly.
  • When he begins to eat like a big boy.
  • Such a bold way of identifying when what they did was wrong, and they try to make it up to you with a mischievous smile or a kiss.
  • Each new learning, when he learns the numbers, colors or a song.
  • The satisfaction when they tell you that he is a very intelligent child.
  • Knowing that his antics are missing from all of us.
  • When you clearly express your feelings “pain” “anguish” “joy”.
  • See the children as they put into practice the rules of courtesy.
  • The power to teach to have consideration for the things of others.
  • Involve them in the things of the home, that they learn to earn an incentive.
  • Encourage them with encouraging phrases and actions.
  • Understand that children need their space to get to know each other.
  • Establish meal and sleep schedules.
  • Let them share with other children and adapt perfectly.
  • We care about your well-being and care.
  • Maintain good hygiene habits in them.
  • With fear letting them create antibodies in contact with the environment.
  • Teach them to respect other living beings.
  • Promote your baby’s rest with a clean and orderly environment.
  • When you have the support of your dad.
  • Share with people who help you in difficult times.
  • The motivation you feel watching him burn through his stages at his own pace.
  • The beginning of his school stage.
  • As they progress through school.
  • His first extracurricular presentations.
  • See him focused on his first assignment.
  • Identify the commitment of the children to do things well.
  • When they tell you something you hardly get up.
  • The pride of knowing that you are learning.
  • When they start to have friends.
  • The empathy that you feel they have with other colleagues.
  • Being able to share your experience with other moms.
  • Share trips with them and make them excited on the road and at the destination.
  • Enjoy those times when you are healthy.
  • Accompany them in the things they want to show you.
  • When they are good at school and get recognized for it.
  • Invent new things with him.
  • When they want to know what you do and want to be part of it.
  • When they imitate you perfectly.
  • The ability they have to brighten your day, even when you thought everything would go wrong.
  • Be present at all times that is possible.
  • That they take you to investigate their interests.
  • May the fact of being a mother be for life, an unbreakable and transcendental bond.
  • To be able to support them in everything and forever.
  • Be available when they are.
  • Feeling that serving children is a passion, not an obligation.
  • Remember the progress made over time.
  • When you are aware that it is no longer a child.
  • That moment when he falls in love and asks you for advice on how he should act.
  • Know that love is rewarded.
  • That they can do what they like and be successful at it.
  • Feel that love so great so inexplicable, that does not recognize barriers.
  • Remember that he has been the love of your life before you met him.
  • Try to be a role model of virtue to ensure a worthwhile imitation.

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