A Letter To Thank The Man Who Made Me A Single Mother

A letter to thank the man who made me a single mother

This is a true story about a single mother, but at the same time, it is also an ordinary story. She talks about a young university student, like many others, focused on that carefree and playful present, in that “here and now” where one expects everything in life … except motherhood. However, something that at first may seem traumatic, undoubtedly became the best of his life.

This story is part of a letter that managed to go viral a while ago on all social networks. In it, some basic brushstrokes of that complex emotional world are offered to which many young women are subjected when, after a relationship with someone, they become pregnant and abandoned at the same time.

However, These life stories so common and at the same time close, undoubtedly bring us great lessons . Because fate sometimes plays with us to force us to be strong, and to discover that what at first seems the end of the world, is the threshold to the most wonderful experience.

In “You are Mom” we talk about it.

You abandoned me, and yet you gave me many things

single mother

It may not have been love, or it may have been the love of her life. The encounters happen, the attractions make us feel alive, and loving is something intense, something that nobody usually refuses when they are 19 years old.

The protagonist of this story met her partner at a university party, and hers was also a relationship like that of many young people at this time in which, After spending 3 years together, one comes to think that it is “true love, eternal love.” However, this was not the case. Because after getting pregnant she was immediately abandoned.

However, by her own decision, a free, thoughtful and at the same time brave decision, she said yes to continue with the pregnancy despite everything.

Thanks for leaving when I told you I was pregnant

single mother

When a woman unwantedly becomes pregnant and makes the decision to move forward, the responsibility is entirely hers, and she knows it. It does not matter that they have abandoned her. It doesn’t matter that your heart is broken and shattered: because a new one is growing inside you.

  • The young woman in our story is grateful that the person who left her after becoming pregnant chose to continue with her life. After all … what use would someone with this profile have had in the girl’s life? None.
  • He decided to continue with his parties, his relationships, his alcoholic nights and his carefreeness.
  • She was hurt by it, but only for a time, only a few months. Later, she realized that there was a much more pure, eternal, seamless and wonderful love: that of being a mother.

Thanks for forcing me to grow

Our protagonist was forced to leave her lifestyle to put on other routines, other obligations and even other maps. He left his university to return to his family home, he left the holidays, his friends and his intense and colorful world to look for a job, to become aware of his true priorities.

That was the moment when she discovered again, how many things she owed to the man who left her after 3 years of relationship.

  • Thank you for allowing me to understand that a Whiskey with Coca Cola is the drink of my past and that natural juices are my future.
  • Thank you for making me understand that listening to a little girl speak to me will always be better than the sound of a DJ at a college party.
  • Thank you for teaching me that thousands of dirty diapers are preferable to waking up alone and with the vomit from the night before.
single mother

Being a single mother is one of the best achievements for a woman

Being a single mother can help us understand and discover everything we are capable of: you are a mother and you are a father at the same time. You suffer, you cry secretly and it is common to come to think that we will not be able to with everything, and yet, like the protagonist of this story, it is achieved, it is achieved, it is overcome.

It is normal to long for the life of before, the days when only worries about exams, to make a date with the boy who attracts us, to project a future according to our dreams or to organize an unforgettable party.

Being a single mother at 19, 15 or 17 can be hard sometimes, but everything is overcome, everything is achieved and no one can take away all the experience and wisdom acquired, the one that sometimes, a woman at 30 can not have discovered yet.

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