According To A Study, A Mother’s Day Is Equivalent To Two Days Of A Father’s Work

The day to day of a working mother can be long and expensive. A recent study has concluded that a working woman can perform tasks, in a single day, similar to those of two days of a father’s work.
According to a study, one mother's day equals two father's work days

When it comes to comparing different types of jobs and their salaries, people generally rely on the activities carried out during the day and the degree of formality that is required. However, this can get complicated when it comes to comparing it to Mother’s Day, with the extra burden of household chores.

Currently, a mother can do her work within the home (which is also her husband’s) with many activities during the day and, next to that, be a working woman, who has to fulfill a work schedule.

In this way,  the work routine of a working mother seems to have no end ; It starts first thing in the morning and ends at night.

Despite being a difficult matter to contrast and verify, a study carried out by the Workers’ Statute and Organic Law 3/2007 has managed to determine that one mother’s day is equivalent to two father’s work days. How is this and in what context does it occur?

Rights of the working mother

The legislation in Spain has been collecting certain advances in terms of aid for the mother who takes care of the child and also works:

1.- Maternity leave

Generally, maternity leave in Spain must last up to 16 weeks  after the birth of the child. This permission will be increased in the following cases:

  • Two weeks for multiple births.
  • Four weeks in triplet deliveries.
  • Two weeks in deliveries of children with disabilities or health problems.

However, the working mother must keep the company in a state of notice and justification during her pregnancy period. You will have the power to leave freely in cases where it is unavoidable, such as:

  • Prenatal exams.
  • Childbirth preparations.
  • Malaise or illnesses.

    2.- Reductions in working hours

    Mothers have the possibility of having their working hours as they prefer until their child reaches 12 years of age. However, the fact of reducing hours or days of your work will also end up reducing your salary.

    A mother's day can be long and exhausting.

    3.- Leave without pay

    In cases where the mother must care for and care for the baby , she will have a leave of absence that will not exceed three years.  You will be allowed to keep your job reservation and your contribution to social security for benefit effects during that time must be considered.

    After the first year has expired, the worker will have the right to keep a job of the same or equivalent professional level reserved  and will be able to rejoin without the need for any additional procedure.

    4.- Stop

    It is necessary to analyze the situation of possible unemployment, as there is the possibility that the woman will end up being fired and receive unemployment benefit. In that case,  the period as unemployed will be extended for four months, considered as maternity leave.

    5.- Lactation and work

    The mother will have the opportunity to enjoy one hour of breastfeeding without reduction of salary during the first nine months of the baby’s life. One hour may be absent during the work day or reduced from it.

    How to determine how much is a mother’s day?

    A valuation carried out in 2015 in the United States assured that a mother should receive a fair annual salary of $65,300, which was equivalent to a salary of two and a half salaries. This figure exceeds the average wage of a worker in the United States.

    In this way, an average mother’s week would be equal to $1,735. Nursing, gardening, decoration and accounting trades within the home are also considered.

    Housework is an addition to a mother's day who also has a job.

    Helps for working mothers

    For some time, a working mother has been able to benefit from a financial aid of 100 euros per month. It can be obtained in a single time (deduction in the income statement of 1,200 euros), or in advance every month.

    This deduction is calculated from the month in which the child was born  until he is three years old. In addition, it is limited to the full amount of contributions to social security and other mutuals.

    The amount of this aid or deduction can be charged in cases of adoptions and foster care, not only in natural births. This, likewise, regardless of the age of the child and within three years since it has been registered in the Civil Registry.

    As we can see, a mother’s day is a combination of work, household chores that must be shared by the couple and their work. Although cultural and legislative progress has been made in the recognition of his extensive days, much remains to be done.

    Mothers who take care of their children are also working women

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