Alzheimer’s Explained In Children’s Books

Treating illnesses from children’s literature will make children consolidate and understand concepts in a much faster and easier way.
Alzheimer's explained in children's books

Alzheimer’s is one of the most widely diagnosed diseases today. That children know what happens when this disease enters the life of a person in their environment is essential.

The selection of books on Alzheimer’s that we propose, in addition to helping the little ones to understand what is happening, will promote values ​​such as affection or empathy in them. 

As you can see below, the vast majority of stories about Alzheimer’s are led by grandparents and grandmothers. This is because the mean age at which it is diagnosed is around 80 years.

Children’s books on Alzheimer’s

Elmer and Grandpa Eldo

Elmer is one of the indisputable protagonists in children’s literature. The values ​​transmitted by this collection of books starring the colored elephant have led it to sell more than eight million copies.

Granddaughter kissing her grandmother with Alzheimer's.

On this occasion, in addition to Elmer, the little ones will meet Eldo, the protagonist’s grandfather whom Elmer is going to visit to remember great adventures they lived when he was little. However, Eldo no longer remembers all those moments … What is happening to grandfather? A recommended book for children from four years old that will help them understand what happens with Alzheimer’s.

The sleeping grandmother

A book published by one of the best children’s literature publishers such as Kalandraka, full of tenderness, love and sensitivity. Again, and as it can be indicated in the title, the protagonist of the story is the grandmother of a child who, before falling asleep, as it happens now, and doing strange things, was extremely funny.

An illustrated album that will take us to know from the eyes of a child the whole process that he undergoes when he begins to see the deterioration of his grandmother who, sadly, ends up dying.

In addition to treating Alzheimer’s and dementia, and explaining what happens in each stage of these, this is a very good book to address the topic of the loss of loved ones with children. 

The mistakes of grandfather Pedro

As the title of this book indicates, Alzheimer’s begins with small mistakes that, with the passage of time, begin to become more serious. These distractions will be the protagonists of this story in which adults and children will love their protagonists, Grandfather Pedro and his mischievous grandson.

An ideal book to treat this disease in a real way and with a touch of humor before the absent-mindedness of the grandfather and the ingenuity of the grandson. Full of values ​​such as empathy, sensitivity or affection, it is a magnificent story to include in this selection of books recommended for children from seven years old.

More children’s books on Alzheimer’s

What does grandfather have?

Making this disease visible among children is essential so that they are interested in the subject and want to understand what is happening. This time,  what does grandpa have? It has been created by a neurologist from the ACE Foundation, of the Catalan Institute of Applied Neurosciences.

In comic form to attract the attention of young people, this book is recommended for children from ten years old and in it they will be able to discover and understand everything related to Alzheimer’s.

Granddaughter kisses her grandfather, who has Alzheimer's.

Matías’s blunders

Recommended for children from eight years of age, the author accompanies the fantastic text with equally wonderful illustrations so that children can lean on them as they imagine their story.

The protagonists are Matías and his grandmother, both equally clueless. Matías is confused because he forgets many things such as, for example, the diving book that his friend Enrique lent him and that he does not know where it is.

Her grandmother also forgot many things, but she has Alzheimer’s. One day when Matías is sick, he thinks that it is because there are no more things in his head; the same thing surely happened to her grandmother.

Hilo de colores,  one of the books on Alzheimer’s with a different touch

To finish this selection of books, we wanted to choose a different illustrated album. In the form of poetry, this story full of sensitivity and love will delight young and old alike. The protagonist of this story is a grandmother who, knowing what will happen, decides to write and sew her own story for her granddaughter. 

In it he will include all his feelings when seeing her birth and all the beautiful moments that he spent with her. This gift will be unforgettable for the girl because, in this way, she will understand that, despite the passage of time, there are memories and moments that will always remain with us.

I have not been invited to the birthday, a book full of magic

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