Are There Mythomaniac Children? Find Out Here

Are there mythomaniac children?  Discover it here

For parents it can be unpleasant and worrying to hear their little one tell many lies for no reason, because they do not have the necessary tools to end the problem, they even think that mythomaniacal children exist.

“Being mythomaniacs is due to a psychological personality disorder that is characterized by a constant and repetitive impulse of the act of lying, bringing as a benefit the admiration and attention of others.”

Dear mama, all children lie sometime, so It is not correct to think that a child is a mythomaniac because of the lies he tells, since due to his age and stage of growth, he is in full cognitive and emotional development, causing him to frequently confuse reality with fantasy.

Lies in children do not have the same connotation as in adults since in childhood there is no defined reasoning On the contrary, it develops after ten years of age in which the child has passed all its stages of increase  childish.

But when the lies are excessive they can hide an emotional problem and in this situation it is advisable to speak with the child gently and patiently to try to understand the true reason for their lies and stop the problem in time.

Why mythomaniacs?


Mommy, if you are wondering about the reasons that affect your little one and that force him to lie, here are the most common attitudes that you should pay more attention to to help him and correct him:


Children who are afraid about a situation often tell lies to avoid punishment or a bad experience, this can be alarming for them, causing them to become mythomaniacs.

In general, children are afraid of being punished by their parents or being rejected at school, something very common in bullying.

Strict breeding

Strict or dictatorial parents do not allow children to develop their abilities and independence, therefore, a situation is created in which children feel the need to please their parents in all aspects, causing them to lie more frequently. .  

Acceptance of your friends

Unsure children lie in order to gain approval and consent from their peers or friends.


Children, although they capture everything they see, many times do not understand things, precisely because of their innocence, so many times they cannot understand a situation causing them not to know whether it is correct or incorrect to lie.


Children learn the habits  of their parents by observation, then if parents tend to lie about something, their little ones learn it and repeat the behavior over and over again.


Children dislike doing certain activities, such as doing homework, motivating them to lie when they don’t like to do something.

How to act in the face of my son’s lies?


As a guide for your little one, it is important that you bear in mind that lies in children, although they may be part of their fantasy or due to an emotional problem, it is not good to stimulate them , so we present a series of recommendations for you to stop the lies in time:

Talk about the importance of truth: your little one will not understand you if you dedicate yourself to give a speech moral Instead, go out of your way to explain that lying is wrong and help him understand that when he tells the truth, he gains the trust of Mom and Dad.

Seek support from a specialist: it is best to ask for psychological help for the child because psychologists really know how to detect the true motive of the lies, they will even offer you the necessary tools to prepare and solve the problem.

Give the example: Children absorb everything they see and hear from their parents because they are their main role model, so avoid telling a lie at all times, you should always be honest with your little one and not promise things that you know you will not be able to fulfill.

Don’t reinforce bad behavior: Children are immersed in a fantasy world and it is normal that when they lie we are amused by their occurrences However, although they seem funny, it is not correct to approve of their lies with laughter. This reinforces mythomaniacal children.

As a good mother, you must act with patience and love in the face of your little one’s lies since in this way, you will make him understand that Although it is a bad thing, he has all your support to correct it, and without a doubt, you still want it with all your might .

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