Being A Mother Means Understanding That You Will Never Be Alone Again

Being a mom is understanding that you will never be alone again

Being a mom is understanding that you will never be alone again. Well, motherhood implies making a company for life, sharing even unexpected moments with your child and letting your heart out of your body so that it can accompany it wherever it goes.

Without a doubt, the fact of having become a mother means that you are no longer alone in your thoughts, because a mother begins to think twice: for her children and for herself. And she does it for the satisfaction of feeling lucky to find in her children the greatest treasure that she could reach.

Being a mom is winning the best company

Being a mom is much more than just changing diapers and feeding a little piece of yourself. It is to become an excellent companion who will accompany you wherever you go, even to the most unusual places, even stealing a thousand smiles in the most critical or painful moments.


As a mother you will be able to do anything for that world that you gave life to and awakened millions of illusions from minute zero. For example, you will forget to bathe, sleep, and even relieve yourself in solitude. You will also not remember how to do housework in an easy, comfortable and practical way.

You will always have your mini secretary by your side, whatever the activity. Cooking, doing laundry and gardening have never been such tenderly entertaining tasks, with that added bonus of doing it with your little one. Without a doubt, being a mother means radically changing your life, your times and your way of thinking.

And all this, because of the deep love and devotion that you cannot stop experiencing for your children, while motherhood entails nothing more and nothing less than giving your whole heart, as well as your strength to bring your children forward and teach them to to live.

For this very reason, bringing a child into the world means wanting to take advantage of and squeeze every moment with him to the fullest : activities of all kinds, baths, changes of clothes, cuteness and everything that they can share during their upbringing.

To be a mom is to become a confidante, an accomplice and a buddy

You understand motherhood when simply in a glance you can find the strength to solve any problem or when you acquire the gift of finding happiness in a smile. When you know what your child feels or needs without ever having heard a single word from his mouth.

Mother giving her daughter a kiss

Being a mother is listening to long and endless stories that border on fantasy and caress reality. It is to convey to your little one security and confidence that that test, presentation, analysis or obstacle that they must face will be overcome successfully.

When you become a mother, you provide peace in a tight hug, dry tears with the right word, and are able to eliminate even the most terrible monster with a mere explanation. Giving birth means giving your child wings to fly every time he manages to sleep on the warmth of your chest.

As a mother, the word anguish, tiredness and wakefulness are present in your dictionary and gain strength in the daily life of real life. However, the satisfaction of having in this life the greatest gift that life could offer reigns supreme.

Being a mother is awakening listening and empathy that not every person managed to train in their entire life. It implies being the best recipient and caretaker of the most precious secret. It is to allow your child’s dreams and wishes to come true.

Without a doubt, “mother duck”, life rewarded you with the best, most noble and unconditional company. Clearly, you will never be alone again and you will find that reason to live and fight daily with a force that you thought was nonexistent in your little one.

A mother has been born, and with her, an eternal, immense and infinite love. So, in short, being a mom is the best thing that could ever happen to you. Take your time to enjoy every moment that this wonderful and special bond offers you that follows the miracle of life.

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