Biggest Love Comes Small

Biggest love comes small

The deepest feelings are often triggered by the smallest things. When your baby is no more than a 3-week embryo, his size is that of a poppy seed and at 7 weeks, he is almost like a chickpea. The most gigantic love, that of size XXL, happens due to the arrival of those little ones that grow before us by leaps and bounds.

It certainly seems like magic, but when a mother and father hold their newborn baby in their arms, they are always amazed at the delicate perfection of their bodies.

Of his hands, so small, of those tiny nails that are already clinging tightly to our fingers, of that tiny nose, which although we may not believe it, contains the most developed sense in the newborn, that which will allow him to identify his mother , the one that will guide it towards the breast in search of milk.

We must therefore not often underestimate what is small, what barely fits in the palm of a hand. Sometimes, the smallest things are the ones that give us the best examples, and those that, after all, make the most solid feelings grow in us, the most transcendent… The most gigantic.

The smallest baby in the world: a true hero

The smallest baby in the world undoubtedly offers us an example of hope, strength and infinite love. The one that his parents professed at all times, the one that with courage and resistance allowed them not to decline even in the most difficult moments.

  • Emilia Grabarcyzk came into the world early: at 26 weeks and weighing only 250 grams. He was 21 centimeters tall and the doctors feared the worst. We know that the most problematic thing in premature babies are the lungs, still very immature and unable to carry out the gas exchange by themselves, and therefore, the specialists barely gave them a few days to live.
  • However, little Emilia was lucky enough to be transferred to a specialized neonatology unit at the Wittem Hospital, in Germany, and thanks to some fantastic professionals that little breath of life gave way to a heart that refused to give up and lungs who reacted strongly.

To this day, little Emilia is already 9 months old, weighs a little more than 3 kilos and the doctors indicate that her evolution is very positive. It will not have serious consequences, and with adequate stimulation, patience and a lot of love, this little girl will grow up like a normal child.

One more example of how the smallest can undoubtedly give us the greatest examples of strength.

A love that was never small and yet grows day by day

mom with child on moon

It is a curious sensation. A reality that many mothers and fathers undoubtedly experience: love does not know size and in fact, it starts out big, very big. When the pregnancy test is positive, what arises is amazement and illusion, later dreams, plans, and that silent affection begin that little by little becomes comforting, magical and uplifting.

Love for something so small teaches us to be more responsible

Love is an emotion with a very specific purpose in our brain: it connects us to what is meaningful to us in order to attend to it, take care of it, enhance its well-being and build a secure bond with that being.

Love for something so small in turn ignites our need to protect it. Everything that is small, whether they are children or even our pets, naturally encourages us to take care of them, to allow oxytocin to awaken in us the obligation to promote their well-being.

Love teaches us

When we hold that fragile baby so dependent on us in our arms, we become aware that many challenges and many responsibilities will arise.

  • We know that there will be some complex moment, but at the end of the day, love will drive us to always get the best of ourselves, it will force us to learn, to be more humble, more receptive to be patient …
  • The tiny thing actually has power over our being, it transforms us and guides us towards that most noble version of ourselves, because we always need to offer the best to that creature so small but at the same time so perfect, to that special person that is part of us. themselves …
    baby sleeping

    To conclude, let us never underestimate the value that the smallest beings and things have on our own person and existence. The smallest creatures become giants in the day to day of our lives, they are our emotional heroes, our heart references.

    Likewise, the smallest things are those that adorn our day-to-day well-being, because authentic love is nourished by those simplest brushstrokes, where the most beautiful canvases of our existence are painted.

    I want to teach you everything with sweetness so that you remember it with love

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