Body Intelligence In Children

Body intelligence in children

Body intelligence or kinesthesia is one of the 8 multiple intelligences proposed by the American professor and researcher Howard Gardner. It is the science that is responsible for the study of the movement of the human body in its entirety. When talking about this concept , reference is also made to the sensation that people have of their body and the way they perform their movements whenever they need to express themselves.

Mom, if you stimulate the bodily intelligence of your child, you will be forming a skilled and creative human being.

Exercises to stimulate body intelligence in children

Play is the means that children use to learn and exercise, hence it is also the way to transmit any type of teaching.

The games that we propose below in  Eres Mamá , in addition to being fun, serve to develop bodily intelligence in children.

Encourage your 2-year-old’s muscle control and also teach him to count

If you want to strengthen your little one’s muscular control and his hand-eye development while teaching him to count, nothing better than offering him some colored cubes to make a tower.

Test and exercise your body intelligence. Sit on the floor and share the colored cubes with him. After that, start making a tower by carefully placing one cube on top of the other while you count: one, two, three…, make the tower as high as the numbers you want to teach it.

Ask your child to build his own tower and do the count together. Every time your structure goes to the ground, start counting again.

Tell him that to make the tower very high he must take care in the placement of the cubes.


Encourage your 7-year-old to express emotions through dance

This activity will focus not only on making known the state of mind that the child has at the time of exercise, he will have to interpret any type of emotion that you indicate.

So that your child understands what the activity is about, you can start by giving him an example. Close your eyes and focus on how you feel every time you get angry. Express your anger through your body and let its movements direct you. Ask your child to do the same for other emotions.

Of course, all the movements you make must go hand in hand with the music you agree to play.

Teach your adolescent to memorize a story or part of it through role play

Very similar to the exercise of expressing emotions through dance is to memorize a story or part of it through a dramatization, only here you do not have to leave your body to free will. The dramatization requires the characterization of the character or characters in the play, following a plot thread, not leaving the story that is told, in short.

Invite your child to become an actor, to memorize the texts and express himself with both articulate and body language.

Body intelligence in children


Seasoned in the subject, they report that some human beings are born with a certain predisposition towards kinesthesia; that is to say, they are more dexterous, skilled and at the body level they express themselves better than others.

It is also said that body intelligence, for example, is the basis for turning a child into a great artist or an outstanding athlete. But be this or another the purpose, the stimulation of the corporal intelligence in the children through diverse exercises allows that any minor:

  • Be spontaneous, open and positive
  • Have confidence in yourself
  • Develop better coordination in your movements
  • Be comfortable and skilled doing various activities in unison
  • Have greater agility and flexibility both with your hands and with your whole body
  • Develop a penchant for research, experimentation, and exploration on your own.

Then you do not have to wait to see if the child has the qualities to become a mechanic or plastic artist, from today, we recommend that in his leisure time you encourage him to make crafts with recyclable materials, that way you will also be encouraging him the importance of caring for the planet.

Give him construction and other toys that can be easily assembled and disassembled. Modeling clay and puzzles to put together.

Mom, bodily intelligence in childhood can be developed through many other games and materials in addition to the ones we have already proposed to you. We invite you to continue investigating the many ways to stimulate your child’s body intelligence, whether or not he was born with kinesthetic skills.

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