Can A Good Rest Promote Intelligence?

Can a good rest boost intelligence?

A good rest can be reflected in the intellectual aspect in children and adults. Going to bed earlier or later can affect the quality of sleep, and in fact affect the amount and depth of sleep. Experts have determined that this can vary between adults and children. That is, it is believed that adults who stay up late are smarter, but it is the opposite with children.

In addition to bedtime, how regularly it is done is also important. Going to sleep every day early and at my time, can promote the cognitive development of the little ones. According to studies, this could also improve the emotional and physical appearance of children.

We have always heard of children growing up while they sleep. Well, this growth is not symbolic, in fact they grow in many ways. For example, establishing a daily routine promotes discipline and the development of good habits. In the same way, it allows your energy to be concentrated at the time of rest and is useful to improve other processes.

A good rest begins with going to bed an hour earlier

According to a study conducted by the American University of Auburn, children should go to sleep regularly at least an hour earlier than usual. The investigation contemplates that if the schedule implies that there is still sunlight, it must also be done. That is to say, the main thing is regularity, that is why you do not have to wait for dark if in fact it is time to sleep.

It is understood that the more irregular children’s sleep schedules, the more likely they are to be harmed. The damages related to this habit can be observed on an intellectual, emotional and physical level. The study indicates that between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., it is the healthiest period for the little ones to go to bed.

To obtain these results, the researchers analyzed the school data of children between the ages of 7 and 11. This group corresponds to the one who went to bed one hour earlier than normal. The children presented better emotional balance and greater mental alertness in class hours.

The evaluation also determined that babies under 18 months who fell asleep an hour earlier, developed their functions more extensively. The development was evidenced in their motor function and also in the acquisition of language, as well as in their relationship with people.

How does intelligence benefit from a good rest?

The benefits of sleep and good rest are countless for both children and adults. For the little ones, it favors them to sleep earlier.  During the rest period, they manage to develop and exercise memory, the longer the better.

For adults, sleep works as a disconnection process in which memory is not activated. On the other hand, the little ones activate the fundamental process for the development of this function. Memory is a vital element in the intellectual growth of children, and it is one of the most benefited by sleep.

The benefits of sleep are undeniable. Therefore, for children it is vital that it occurs in a regular, prolonged and profound way. Once it becomes a habit, it will be easier for them to go to sleep. Already in adulthood they will decide how to handle this issue. For now, it is up to parents to seek the best for their children.

Perhaps by this time, many mothers are contemplating improving some habits in their children. However, it is always advisable to consult with the pediatrician what the true needs of the child are.

In either case, the main thing is to adapt to personal requirements. At the same time, it is relevant that every change we try to make is gradual, without pressure and with love. Healthy habits are sometimes the most difficult to acquire, but it is always important to forge them from childhood.

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