Can One Fall In Love Through The Internet?

Technological changes have altered every aspect of our life. Are love relationships another one of them?
Can you fall in love through the Internet?

Before it was chat sites, today online dating and social networks. The ways of socializing change over time, but the objectives that its participants pursue are the same: connect with others. However, we ask ourselves: can a person fall in love through the Internet?

New technologies have brought advances that just a few years ago we could not have imagined. One of the aspects of human life that was most altered by this frenetic pace is that of communication. It happens both in mass media and in the exchange between peers.

In this area, it seems ridiculous to think that previously the only method of online dialogue was with a computer with an extremely slow Internet, which barely transmitted images with a low-quality camera and whose functionality was limited. Today we have mobiles, tablets and even watches capable of transmitting much more information in seconds.

That, logically, caused a revolution in relationships between people. A revolution that we are still adapting to. And romance does not escape this. Today the letters and the serenades are in the past to give way to remote, virtual communications.

However, we still find it hard to believe that this can have a happy destiny. We analyze the causes of this suspicion.

Technologies help to reduce distances.

How can we fall in love through the Internet?

The first thing to consider is that the technological revolution has caused a resounding change in cultures and in people’s lifestyles.

Currently, we use the Internet for everything: business, paperwork, shopping, work, studies, and many more. Do you really think we can’t include love on this list?

Here are the top three reasons virtual romance is perfectly viable today:

  1. Technology brings us closer. Unlike previous decades, today we have unlimited and instantaneous contact with people who can be even on the other side of the world. Human relationships today do not know physical limits, at least in terms of images and sounds. Touch is a pending account that has not yet been remedied … But who knows, we’ll see in the future.
  2. You can omit what you do not want to publicize. In a face-to-face date, a couple of minutes are enough to know reactions, gestures or even physical features of a person that may not be so attractive. In a message, even in a video call, the sender controls what to show and what not to show. This, of course, works in favor of charm and increases the chances of falling in love through the Internet.
  3. It is very likely that you will find people with similar interests. Browsing in discussion forums or pages oriented to a certain audience it is highly possible that you come across people who share your same tastes. Thus, the positive interaction becomes much more drinkable from the beginning.

Fall in love with me: the culture of narcissism

Related to point two of the previous paragraph, we can underline that social networks, beyond their valuable positive sides and their risks, help us to reinforce the ideal image that we want to show of ourselves.

The profiles of Instagram, Facebook or any other social network are like public photo albums that we try to get people to access. Especially “that” person we are targeting, as we try to impress her and show her how handsome, interesting, cultured and funny we are.

Such a customizable and useful platform, added to the effects of “like” in young people and adults, can be the perfect starting point to establish an affective relationship.

Long distance relationships are often possible.

The dangers of online romances

There are many cases of couples who fell in love through the Internet and, from then on, built a story full of happiness and success.

But there are also the other stories. The risks of interacting with people we do not know are several, among which we can highlight:

  • Information theft.  There are many impostors who pose as “normal” people to access sensitive data such as your financial situation, your place of residence or the composition of your family. Try not to give these details until you have more confidence with who is on the other side.
  • Possibility of fraud.  Remember that many people use the web to build an image that is not real. This can cause you to be disappointed when you personally encounter something that in the virtual world seemed different, either physically or attitudinally.
  • Why are you looking for relationships on the Internet? He always questions why someone who is as successful, friendly and attractive as he presents himself on the web is looking for relationships there. Although there are people who enjoy the uncertainty that these links provide “blindly”, there are also those who disguise themselves to get infidelities or to conceal spurious intentions.

    Considering all the above, we could conclude that the web can offer us a large number of positive and negative surprises. Nobody says that you cannot find the love of your life or that you will never fall in love over the Internet.

    Just remember that we have not yet learned to manipulate it in its entirety, so a dose of caution and skepticism is essential. 

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