Children Deserve To Feel Loved

Children need love and care to develop properly.
Children deserve to feel loved

There is no discussion. Children deserve to feel loved, they are the most fragile population and the future of humanity. In them are our hopes that they can do better than their parents, teachers and adults of today.

They, our children, are the future and for that time to be better than the current one it is necessary to train them from love, a feeling that, due to its strength and intensity, assures us that they will be good, loving, happy, strong and healthy people as adults.

Parents should make showing love to their children a priority. For them, we must stop the faces of anguish, fatigue, annoyance and even frustration due to the vicissitudes that they face daily in the street, work and life itself and give them, for their happiness, a smile and our best time full of imagination. , love and pleasant and entertaining times. They do not have to deal with our anguish or be the one on whom we deposit our shadows.

Children deserve to feel loved because there is nothing more mean and sad than denying love to a child who in the first years of life needs us for his survival and only demands love from us.

A child with emotional deficiencies will grow up with a void that is not filled with material things, but with affection from his parents, and as an adult he will have a greater inclination to vice, toxic relationships, problems of self-esteem and sociability and suffer from depression.

Children deserve to feel loved

Loving gestures

Hugs, kisses and caresses are a clear demonstration of affection that benefits both the one who gives it and the one who receives it. Do not give your children these displays of affection, on the contrary, show them how much you love them, encourage them to show affection so that they do not grow up with the false belief that it is wrong or frowned upon to show their feelings.


The displays of affection also strengthen parent-child ties.

Give love with your words

You should always refer to your child with affection. Address him with respect and in a tone of voice that lets him know from the first moment that he can count on you, that you are his friend and that you will always be there for him. Do not use bad words, derogatory phrases and avoid speaking harshly to your children. Always encourage their progress in school, sport, or their actions at home with praise and highlight the positive and beautiful aspects of themselves. A child who knows he is loved will grow up knowing that he is valuable and sufficient.

Correct from love

When you have to correct your child’s behavior or draw attention to a bad act that he has committed, even in those moments, approach him from the understanding so that he knows that these words come from a person who cares about him and that your remarks are for your welfare. Act with your children and with your peers in such a way that your actions demonstrate to your child that it is from love that doors are opened, bridges built and the gaps between men reduced.


How is a child who knows that he is loved?

  • He has greater emotional strength and as an adult he will be able to take on challenges and commitments with confidence and knowing enough.
  • Hugs and caresses relieve physical and emotional pain. Love is the best treatment to heal the wounds of the soul.
  • A beloved child will know his worth and as he grows up he will have healthy limits of respect. You will know how to identify who to stay with and who to stay away from.
  • Has better performance in school and better social performance.
  • Shows greater confidence in himself and those around him.
  • A loved child will know the meaning of positive values ​​such as: family, love, friendship, respect and empathy.
  • A child who knows he is loved by his parents is happy and has healthy self-esteem.
  • He feels accompanied in the world. He is not alone, he has a family.
  • The caresses and hugs to your children reinforce the bonds and make them land and enjoy the moment.
Unconditional and eternal love.  Mother's Love

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