Children’s Books To Help Children In Divorce

Divorce can be a very complicated and difficult to understand stage in a child’s life. Through literature, this stage can be more understandable for them.
Children's books to help children in divorce

Depending on the age and maturity of the child, divorce can be a difficult and complicated stage to overcome, but above all to understand in the life of the smallest of the house. During this stage, dialogue, understanding and especially showing feelings of affection to the child is very important to make him understand that everything will remain the same in his life despite the separation of his parents.

From the point of view of understanding and accepting separations and divorces,  one of the best tools to help children in divorce is children’s literature. Well, in these stories they are able to understand in a simpler way what can happen, in addition to seeing themselves reflected in the protagonists of it.

Next, we leave you a series of children’s books to deal with these issues on such complicated occasions with children.

Children’s books to help children in divorce

1. Prince of two palaces

Lucio is a boy who is a prince and lives between two palaces: his father’s, who is the king, and his mother’s, who is the queen. A story written in verse and recommended for children from three years with which the author wants to show that even kings and princes, who appear to have a model life, have problems, separate and divorce.

Children's books to help children in divorce.

What this story also wants to show is that, despite the fact that Lucio’s parents are separated and he has to live between two palaces, the protagonist of the story is happy like this, taking advantage of every moment with each of his parents.

2. The mirror in mom’s house / The mirror in dad’s house

One of the best books to help children in divorce without a doubt is this peculiar mirror story. This book can be read from two different sides: one is the mother’s side and the other is the father’s. In spite of everything, the text is practically similar, offering the visions of the parents. Thus, at the center of the story, the two stories merge.

3. When will these leave?

Another of the key aspects to deal with children in divorce or, rather, after divorce, is the moment when the father or mother rebuilds his life with a different person. Sometimes, that person also has a family, which is why, as the author of this book indicates, families re-assembled appear.

Therefore, this book is a fun and joyful story about these types of families and the importance of children supporting their father or mother so that he can be happy and continue with his life.

4. As before , one of the best stories to help children in divorce

The memories of the moments lived until the separation of the parents can be one of the most complicated issues to deal with with children at the time of separation. Sometimes, they do not understand the reason for the divorce of their parents because for him his family was happy and his life was perfect.

Children's books to help children in divorce.

A similar thing happens to Leo, the protagonist of the story. One day he picks up the photo album and begins to remember how things were before the separation.

An ideal book for children from seven years old that tries to play down the importance of pain and help children to see those past moments as beautiful memories.

5. With the family!

The different types of families that can arise are collected in this fun book that will help the little ones to understand that each family is unique and that, despite their belief that there is only one composition, the book shows the opposite.

The illustrations in this book are very funny and the text is very simple. In addition, as a curious fact, at the end of the book a blank page is included so that the child can draw his family.

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