Consequences Of Suffering Stress During Childbirth

Stress and anxiety can have unwanted effects on anyone. However, these damaging consequences are magnified when it comes to a pregnant woman. We tell you all about stress during pregnancy and childbirth.
Consequences of stress during childbirth

One of the most important and happy news for many of the people is finding out that they are going to be parents. Leading a new life inside a future mother is something truly exciting. But stress during childbirth could have dire consequences. We discover them below.

Know the consequences of suffering stress during childbirth

There are times when a pregnancy can come at a bad time. And there are certain situations in life in which you may be suffering for some reason. This could affect your day-to-day life and cause anxiety during pregnancy. As a result, you may experience stress during labor, something that will affect you and your baby.

These stressful and anxious situations do not affect one woman in the same way as another. Therefore, it is logical to think that they will not influence all babies in the same way.

However, there are certain common patterns. These help us to identify what are some of the consequences of this stress during childbirth, and previously in pregnancy.

For starters, it should be noted that stress is detrimental when it is felt with a high degree of intensity. Also when it comes to some depressive disorders that influence the immune system of the future mother, and therefore can greatly influence the baby.

Therefore, below we will see what are some of the consequences of anxiety and stress during pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

Stress in pregnancy can cause unintended consequences.

Obstetric complications, premature delivery, and low birth weight

One of the main complications that can arise when the mother suffers a high level of pregnancy stress are obstetric complications as well as premature delivery and low birth weight of the fetus. These negative effects could be due to the hormones released during these stressful episodes.

Spontaneous abortion

The chances of a miscarriage also increase when the expectant mother is subjected to high levels of stress and anxiety in her daily life. There are many studies that have shown this.

Living stressful situations such as the death of a loved one in the first weeks of pregnancy can have a huge influence. And it is that the body of the future mother recognizes the levels of some hormones, such as hydrocortisone, which is generated by stress, and which is an alarm signal for the body. A kind of a symptom of adverse conditions for the continuity of this pregnancy.

Intellectual development problems

The third of the serious consequences that both mother and baby can suffer in case of stress is on the intellectual and cognitive development of the future baby. Given these high levels, children ‘s language development and verbal IQ can be affected when the mother has not had a quiet and pleasant pregnancy.

The long-term consequences can be seen on the baby’s brain structures in the areas that are involved. They are related, above all, with language and verbal skills.

Emotional and behavioral problems in the baby

There are many experts who have carried out various studies in which emotional problems are associated with stress. Also certain behaviors in babies and children who have had mothers with stress problems during pregnancy.

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In this way, an increase is observed in the rate of children with hyperactivity  born to mothers with stress during their gestation period. In addition to this, they also tend to have some emotional problems. Nor should we forget other types of behavior problems and inattention.

Each and every one of these consequences is based on a large amount of research carried out over the last decades. They are studies prepared by experts in obstetrics and gynecology, among other fields of science and medicine. With them it has been shown that suffering stress in pregnancy can have serious physiological and psychological consequences for the mother and the future baby. This is the case both in the prenatal and postnatal periods. In addition, it can worsen the quality of life of the baby and the mother.

For this reason, it is essential that from the first moment a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she does everything possible to lead a calm and peaceful life. The long-term benefits will be uncountable.

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