Cousins ​​of The Same Age: A Special Relationship

Words fall short to describe the special bond we share with our cousins. They are the protagonists of many of our childhood memories, and especially those that are close in age.

It is possible that your first family memories include those cousins of the same age who have always maintained a special relationship. Although it is true that during childhood they are not as present as siblings, each time they appear they offer all their affection and occupy different roles, all of them special and positive.

This, how could it be otherwise, is part of a family tradition. A cousin of the same age has always been there and you have told him all your secrets, even intimacies. In fact, there are very special relationships in childhood with cousins, either by affinity or by closeness.

If you have a cousin your age, you will know exactly what we are talking about. They were probably your best friends in your family growing up. 

In the same way, for only children this relationship can be even more special. Although when you reach adulthood the relationship may not be the same, you will always be accompanied by the memory of those summers together or outings by bicycle.

Cousins ​​of the same age

Cousins ​​are siblings who do not live at home. In fact, having a cousin of the same age has all the benefits of a brother, with the difference that you don’t have to live with him. Far from being a bad thing, this detail even favors that there are no problems between the two.

For some, they  are those brothers who would like to have the first ones to tell them the confidences or the best kept secrets. It is an opportunity to test social skills, while stimulating children’s cognitive and motor development.

In fact, when the cousins ​​are the same age,  this translates to having a friend for all important family events. This allows infants to get away and have a little fun while the adults are talking.

Even many cousins ​​of the same age share the family’s sense of humor and have been raised in a similar context. In fact, they are close enough that they feel very comfortable when they are together; it is very comforting to have a good time with someone who has the same wit and enjoys the same jokes as you.

When they are older, they will be able to laugh and joke about the specific dysfunctional aspects of their family;  And that’s good for knowing that they will have someone to trust.

Cousins ​​are friends with whom you can share family celebrations, such as when someone gets married or has a baby. In addition, they have the same grandparents to spend time together and as a family.

Benefits of having a cousin of the same age

These are some benefits of having a cousin of the same age:

  • Act more like brother than cousin, and more like best friend than brother.
  • Family reunions are infinitely more fun when you have a cousin the same age.
  • They choose when they want to spend time together without having to have the obligation to do so, as can happen with siblings.
  • Fond  memories are made of family gatherings, in which they played for hours while the adults talked.
  • They share the same blood and the bond is strong and unbreakable.
  • There is a special companionship, through thick and thin.
  • It gives a perfect combination between family and friends.
  • They develop their motor skills by playing together.
  • They share the same sense of humor, often instilled by adults in family gatherings.
  • They foster an emotional bond from a young age.
  • They find in the other a playmate with whom to have fun and with whom they form a lifelong friendship.
  • They know what it is to come from the same family  and, therefore, they understand some of their reactions or ways of being.

Finally, remember that the benefits of having a cousin of the same age are many and very valuable. If you are one of those lucky ones who have a cousin of the same age, try to enjoy this unique experience, which is accompanied by many unforgettable moments.

Similarly, if your child has cousins ​​the same age, try to get him to spend as much time as possible with them. It is a relationship that they must cultivate from childhood, since it plays a very important role in the lives of children.

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