Educating With A Patient Heart And Intuition Is Educating In Wisdom

There are many values ​​that can be transmitted during the upbringing process. Doing it in a pleasant, calm and assertive way is important for the correct emotional development of children. We delve into this below.
Educating with a patient heart and intuition is educating in wisdom

To educate in wisdom is to understand the upbringing of our children from that patient and intuitive heart that respects times, that tunes in with the needs of the child, that nurtures with affection, enjoying the here and now without haste, without pressure. Because nothing matters more than that present moment where the little ones need everything from us.

It is very possible that throughout your life cycle a series of dimensions have always characterized you: your haste to experience certain things, your anticipation, your impulsiveness, your ability to achieve certain goals … However,  now that you are a mother or father you feel , surely, that life has put its brake and that your reality happens at another rhythm, with other times and another melody.

On the other hand, something that first-time parents are surprised about is how society and the pressures of our environment are so inharmonious with raising a child. Shortly after giving birth, the mother, for example, is already forced to go back to work. When a child enters school they are also required to assume skills such as reading and writing as soon as possible.

We live in a world of haste and pressure, in an environment of demands, of prescribed obligations, of objectives to be met as soon as possible so as not to be left behind. It is almost like the character of the Red Queen in “Alice Behind the Looking Glass”, urging the protagonist to run faster because only those who advance with greater agility than others, manage to get somewhere.

Let’s change the focus. Let us educate from patience and intuition, let us educate without haste, enjoying the present moment to the fullest with our children. Because it will never be repeated.

The world will ask you to do everything quickly, but remember, turn a deaf ear!

Is your child still wearing a diaper? Still not working? Still not reading? Still not going to school alone? If there is something that a mother or father should be armed with, it is patience. Especially when our environment begins to pressure us with what is supposed to be normative in the growth and maturity of a child.

  • Understand that each little one has their times and that is something that only you know and understand.
    • It does not matter that others ask you why you still carry it in a cart or if it has already learned to divide or multiply. Your little one will give his first advances and the acquisition of certain skills when the time is right.
    • You will be his help and his guide, you will encourage him to take on these achievements, but the patient heart understands and knows that it is not good to push, that it is not appropriate to “advance stages” or to frustrate the child unnecessarily.

    The patient heart enjoys the present moment

    The mom and dad who are characterized by a patient and intuitive heart give their children the greatest offering they have in their hands: their time. For them, the minute hand of the clocks stops when they hold their children in their arms, because they love to have them close, listen to their voices, take them by the hand and caress their hair while they tell them stories, while making them laugh.

    • In turn, they are characterized by that wise calm that understands that children are sometimes difficult, that they make mistakes, that they react badly and that they explode into tantrums when the world is not able to satisfy their whims.
      • Patient moms and dads attend and guide, calm and manage without getting angry, understanding the child’s perspective at all times but guiding them in turn towards that balance where they can mature day by day and little by little.
      educate with a patient heart

      Tips for educating children in the art of patience

      As a patient mother or father, you have among your purposes to initiate your children as soon as possible in this same dimension. Therefore, these tips will undoubtedly be of great help to you.

      Be a model of patience where they are inspired

      Being patient does not just mean being able to “wait”, this is something that children should understand as soon as possible. It means being able to wait calmly (no sighs, no bad words, no repetitive movements).

      We must be able to serve as models to the little ones and for this, we must ensure that they never see us lose our nerves or become impatient.

      Make use of reflective listening with them

      Make your child feel that everything he says, thinks, and feels is important. Teach them to verbalize their feelings, to use a calm voice, to maintain eye contact, and above all, serve them in an authentic way avoiding them to perceive stress or rush in you.

      Get them started in activities that require investment of attention and patience

      New technologies, mobile games, tablets and video games themselves act as voracious stimulants where children get used to immediate gratification from very early on. However, as we all know, real life does not gratify us so quickly, in fact, sometimes it does not even.

      educate with a patient heart

      We are the ones who reward ourselves by feeling proud of our achievements. To do this, provide your child with games that allow him to practice patience, such as puzzles, cutting things out, painting mandalas, planting plants, modeling in clay and even getting them to learn to play chess as soon as possible.

      They are enriching entertainments that will help them develop reflection, patience and creativity. Put it into practice!

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