Family Environmental Education Activities

The family is the main pillar in the education of children. Among other aspects, from home, children must be made aware of the importance of caring for nature and the environment.
Family environmental education activities

Unfortunately, little by little we are loading the planet. To prevent this from getting worse, it is important to educate new generations about environmental problems, so that, from the first years of life, it is convenient for children to learn to interact with the environment in a responsible way. Therefore, in the following lines, we recommend some environmental education activities to carry out as a family.

Through carrying out these activities, what is intended is that the smallest of the house acquire a series of values ​​and environmental knowledge  that will last throughout their development and that they can transmit to others.

Family environmental education activities

The environmental education activities that we propose below show that, by making small gestures on a day-to-day basis, such as recycling materials, saving on energy and water consumption, etc., you can help reduce serious deterioration and damage. that humans are causing in nature. All this affects both animals and plants or people’s health, among others.

Materials reuse

This activity consists of reusing the materials that one has at home and that, in the beginning, were going to be thrown away, to give them a second life and turn them into ecological toys.

Thus, with a little imagination and creativity, a few simple rolls of toilet paper, food containers, boxes or cans can be transformed into beautiful decorations for the room, puppets, cars, spaceships, houses for dolls. Use your imagination and create everything you can think of!

In this way, the value of manual work is fostered while children learn the importance of making use of materials that are no longer needed.

Awareness about environmental pollution

In this activity we must try to search the internet for various images that reflect the significant impact of the waste that we produce every day and that is deposited in nature.

After carefully observing these photographs, you have to comment on them as a family and open a debate that can be very enriching for everyone.

Through this activity, children are made aware of the importance of reducing environmental pollution. Likewise, it is achieved that the knowledge acquired in relation to this topic is saved in the memory of the little ones in an impressive and lasting way.

Child planting plants in the garden.

Awareness about electricity consumption, one of the environmental education activities

In this activity, the children, together with their parents, have to analyze an electricity bill. This is a very interesting exercise for all members of the family to discover what their electricity consumption is and how it is distributed (lighting, heating, electrical appliances, etc.).

Thus, you can change certain habits related to electricity consumption and try, together, to save in this regard, not only for the economic good, but for the good of the entire planet.

On climate change

Finally, to educate on the issue of the environment, it is essential to talk about climate change. This topic can be dealt with with an activity that consists of looking for images of a place before and after being affected by climate change and, later, commenting on the differences found between the two photographs.

From these two images, the family has to invent a story or tale that describes, in an original way, what could have happened in that place to lead to the terrible consequences observed. In this way, children will better understand the importance of respecting nature and caring for the environment.

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