Farewell To Screens: Quality Family Time

This selection of activities to enjoy as a family will help you spend quality time with your loved ones.
Goodbye to screens: quality family time

Nowadays, new technologies, social networks, digital platforms and electronic devices are providing us with a lot of entertainment. But is screen time really quality time?

In the case of children, it is also being used as an educational initiative for learning. And, in the case of the elderly, as a means of working from home. However, it is also necessary to learn to ignore and enjoy the family and the people who are with us at home.

Rarely will you be able to say that you can enjoy your family for a long time without being called upon by obligations. Therefore, you should take advantage of that leisure time also to say goodbye to the screens and  enjoy quality time with your family. So, next, we leave you a series of activities and games so that together you can have fun. We started!

Activities for quality family time


Although to perform a traditional karaoke you need a screen on which you can read the songs, in this you must use all your memory and creativity.

In this way, you will have to sing the songs without the lyrics in front of them and the other members of the house will act as a jury to give scores. More than karaoke, it will seem that you are on the set of the La Voz program , giving everything to be the best.

Family playing board games.

Crafts with recycled material

Children love crafts. For this reason, we encourage you to make any craft that occurs to you with materials that you have at home and that can be recycled for this purpose. Bottles of water, milk cartons or toilet paper rolls are some of the options that you surely have at home.

Table games

Surely at home you have a board game from your childhood with which you can spend a very fun afternoon with your family. If this is not the case, as an alternative, you can create simple games yourself. In this way, you will link the previous proposal of family crafts with this other one.

Stop !, one of the funniest games to spend quality time with the family

The game application Stop! It is being one of the most downloaded in recent times to play with our friends through mobile phones or tablets . However, it can also be a great option for family play.

To do this, you will  only need a pencil or pen, a sheet of paper and a stopwatch. The game consists of establishing a series of categories, such as names, cities or food, and choosing a letter from the alphabet.

In a time that you determine, you will have to write a word that begins with the letter chosen for each of the categories. A simple, fun game that will stimulate the memory and imagination of all players.

Quality family time with these activities

Build a homemade circuit

One of the indications that both the media and health professionals remind us daily is that physical exercise is essential to stay healthy. Therefore, a different and just as fun way to do sports is to create a small circuit at home yourself.

Father playing with his children in the living room at home.

Depending on the space you have inside your home or in your gardens, and the ages of the participants, you can include obstacles, jumps or squats.

Hide and seek: one game, two variations

Hide and seek is one of the traditional games that, despite time, does not go out of style. In addition, it is one of the most suitable games to play at home and to be able to choose between one variant or the other.

If the space in your house is limited, choose to use the English hideaway, since this variant is just as fun. If you have enough space, you are guaranteed double fun!

Origami, another of the activities to spend quality time with the family

Weekends as a family can be a good time to learn new activities that can inspire the little ones and help them pursue their hobbies. To create origami figures, you will only need sheets and a little skill.

The art of drawing, the favorite hobby of the little ones

Painting and drawing is one of the activities that children like the most. For this, you will only need many sheets and paintings. In addition, it is a fantastic activity to stimulate creativity and imagination and to have a nice time as a family creating together.

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