Fear-eating Box To Educate Children’s Emotions

We talked about The Little Fear-Eater Box, a book that presents an interesting strategy for parents to help their young children fight their fears in a fun way.
Fear-eating box to educate children's emotions

The purpose of the book The Little Box Eater-fears is to help the little ones to drive away their own fears of the childhood stage. It also provides parents with a simple description of the main fears their children may have and includes an activity to do with children when they are afraid.

It is a book with content and information for both adults and children, in which an original resource is exposed to help and educate the little ones in managing their emotions.

Fears in childhood

Keep in mind that fear is a basic emotion and that it is necessary for people to take care of themselves and protect themselves. Because it is fear that makes us react and defend ourselves in dangerous situations. Like, for example, stopping and looking before crossing a street, when looking over a cliff, or it makes us be cautious with strange people.

Children begin to develop feelings of fear appropriate to their age and their imagination. The little ones are afraid of the unknown, of being alone, of being separated from their parents, or of the dark. In addition, they may be afraid of things that are unreal or irrational to adults, such as ghosts or monsters. Sometimes some children even fear bugs or insects, strange or strange objects, or some animal.

Child afraid of the dark covering his face with his hands.

With this, adults, parents and educators, must help children to understand and face all their fears, and ensure that they learn, as they grow, develop and mature, to manage them in a more rational way.

The fear-eating box to help the little ones to drive away their fears

Even for many adults, it is very difficult to know and recognize their emotions, and even less to know how to control them. With which, a book with the characteristics of La cajita come-fears , by Belén Piñeiro, can be of great help in this regard.

This book provides information to adults about the origin, development and manifestation of fears in childhood. And it constitutes a useful resource with which to work with young children so that they learn to overcome their fears.

In addition, it includes a story that talks about fears and how Guille, the main character, fights them and who, thanks to a box that devours children’s fears, manages to get rid of all their fears. With which, this can be a very original and fun strategy to do at home with the children.

Build a fear-eating box

Thus , a fear-eating box, like the one in the story , can be built with the children to help children manage their emotions. To make this box, you will need the following materials:

  • A cardboard box of a medium size, that is closed or that can be closed or covered.
  • Tempera.
  • Watercolors.
  • Cool stickers or images to stick and decorate the box.

With these materials, the box will be decorated with the colors and the figures, painted or glued, that the little ones like the most. They can even choose a name for it themselves. Next, if it is a closed box, a slot will be made in it, on top or on one side.

The objective is for parents to explain to their children that they have that box for when they feel fear, and that they can write or draw their feeling of fear on paper and then put the paper in the fear-eating box , which, With all his hunger, he will eat the paper and, with it, he will also devour each one of the little ones.

In addition, it is very important that parents discuss their fears with their children before putting the paper in the box. To combat fears, it is very beneficial for children to become aware of them, to express them and to externalize them.

Child looking at a box-eats fears to channel his fears.

For which, adults, with tact and affection, must help the little ones to deepen the reasons for their fears. They have to get them to count and describe how their body responds to their feelings of fear, for example. And they must also get children to express how they feel, or how they would feel if those fears disappear.

Why is a fear-eating box important for the emotional education of children?

Teaching children from a very young age to know, recognize, control and manage their emotions is essential. Because it will depend on it that, as they grow up, they can successfully manage their moods and emotions.

Thus, a development of emotional intelligence must begin in childhood so that, when children are adults, they are people with the capacity for self-knowledge, calm and self-confident ; people with positive attitudes and behaviors, both with others and with themselves.

Therefore, the hungry boxes in which to make recognized fears disappear can be of great help to emotionally educate the smallest of the house.

Self-aware emotions in children

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