First Account In Social Networks: What To Consider

The time comes when your son asks you to create his first account on social networks. What aspects should be taken into account? What guidelines can help? Here we tell you.
First account in social networks: what to consider

The moment that many parents dread comes: the hour when their child wants to have their p first account in social networks. What must be considered? There is no doubt that communication technologies are part of our lives. Furthermore, this type of communication is recognized as one of the causes of new forms of social organization that have led to important socioeconomic changes.  

Thus, we must take into account a series of factors when our son asks us for the first account in social networks. When we look at families, many of them are bewildered and unprotected in the face of this great social transformation.

Parents see how their children become fond of these networks more quickly than expected thanks to their great media power, their easy handling and their attractive features, regardless of where they are located.

Teenager using his first social media account on his mobile.

First account in social networks: a new way of communication in adolescence

Adolescents feel an urgent need to participate in social networks. Somehow, being a member of a social network is no longer a leisure option to become a requirement that allows you to be in contact with your peer group at every moment, beyond the physical space.

A place where the sense of belonging to a group and the individual personality develop in a quite favorable way. Hence, the boys demand the first account in social networks at an increasingly young age.

However, it is more than evident that the social interactions that adolescents have in social networks influence both family life and the routines and spaces that are established in daily coexistence.

Consequently, knowing how to manage the use of social networks has become a challenge to ensure that adolescents develop an identity in accordance with who we really are and we want to become this network society, taking into account the diversity of spaces in which that we must act.

Educating is essential before creating the first account in social networks

Next, we will describe some guidelines taken from the “Andalusia is digital” website to help parents in this situation.

Set limits

As in real life, it is necessary to establish rules of “digital behavior” for our children. Just as they know that they cannot be away from home all night, that they cannot drink alcohol, that they must behave well in class or that they must not violate traffic regulations.

Similarly, you have to set limits on what pages can be viewed at home (and outside the home) or what use can be given to the computer.

Share the time before creating the first account on social networks

Many of the things they do on the internet can be shared by us too: let’s open a family blog or ask our child to teach us to use a forum on a topic that interests us (cooking, motor, crafts, painting…).

Doing activities together is always a good idea and builds trust while strengthening relationships. Interact with your child: send him instant messages, emails, surprising images, jokes… Communicate with him through the internet, just as you do with his friends, and let him see that this is your world too.

Know what interests them

A very delicate issue is trying to find out what our children use the internet for without falling into espionage. We cannot always be looking at what they write or what pages they consult; they are growing up and have the right to privacy. However, without falling into these practices, we can promote situations in which we obtain information and that does not result in a violation of your rights.

Avoid problems

So that these types of legal arguments are not necessary, the most sensible thing would be not to have to resort to them. If from an early age we teach our children to trust their parents and they progressively give them the intimacy they need while confirming that they have internalized the essential values ​​to function safely, then worrying about what they do or stop doing would not have room.

Parents with their daughter to educate in the responsible use of social networks.

Basic safety rules before creating your first social media account

Social networks and instant messages are some of the most used resources by teenagers. Recommend them to be careful with the personal information they give on these sites and not to complete the personal information data that they optionally request in the records (information that is exposed to anyone).

That they do not give personal data or meet strangers, that they be careful with the images they can send and with the comments they can make, etc.

They also need to feel that they can count on us if something happens that seems strange or makes them feel uncomfortable. Our children should not hesitate to tell us what they do not see too clearly.

All of this is particularly important in early adolescence (12-15 years), when the differences between family relationships and other relationships are still being established.

Teach how to protect your passwords

Responsible use of passwords is a habit that children must have. And also the older ones! We have to teach them that passwords should not be shared with anyone other than their strictest family circle, such as their parents.

It is important to remind them that if they use other people’s computers such as a friend’s, the library or the internet café, make sure that they have logged out completely and that the passwords have not been saved.

In short, we hope that these tips will help you when your children want to create their first account on networks. Trust and prevention are key in these cases.

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