Good Mood Against The Discomfort Of Pregnancy

Good mood against the discomforts of pregnancy

Good humor is recommended in all our activities. A positive mindset can help us balance most of our emotions. Although sometimes we think that it is impossible to maintain a good mood when our body is decomposed, it is advisable to try.

Good humor has been scientifically proven to have multiple health benefits. It can work just as well as certain medications. A smile can contribute to improve our relationships and way of perceiving life; In addition, laughter has healing power.

As we have said before, pregnancy is not a disease. However, some symptoms can make us feel sick. Therefore, we can take advantage of the healing properties of good humor to fight against the discomfort of pregnancy.

Benefits of a good mood

Many researchers agree that a positive attitude increases the chances of healing when we suffer from illness. This is because, by removing negative thoughts, emotions improve and therefore the risk of greater stress is reduced.

The little sense of humor or a negative attitude, somehow attract more misfortunes. Even so, it is not only a matter of attraction (something we do not all agree on), but it also encourages muscle contraction. That is, the body reacts and changes according to our emotions condition it.

On the other hand, when we are more relaxed and with a determined attitude, our body is more tolerant. Many times nervousness or negativity causes us to contract our muscles. It also happens that we put most of our thoughts on the problem we have.

It is notorious that when we stop thinking about something, we get distracted and laugh a little, we forget most of the problems. If such problems were related to some physical discomfort, you will also feel relief. Among the main benefits of good humor, we have the following.

  • Helps fight the entry of viruses and the appearance of tumors because it stimulates the immune system
  • Contributes to the stabilization of sugar, improves cortisol levels and reduces the risks of hypertension
  • Protects against the damaging effects of stress, because it chemically influences the brain
  • Laughter helps burn calories. Studies in this regard have found that laughing for about 15 minutes a day helps you eliminate about 40 calories.
  • The chemicals produced in the brain, capable of promoting well-being, rise when we are in a good mood. Therefore, a greater release of endorphins can make us feel exercised and in better spirits.

    Coping with the discomfort of pregnancy with a good mood

    Only those who have been through this know what it feels like to cope with most pregnancy changes. At this stage it is difficult to control our bodies and emotions. In this particular, it is known that it is the emotional changes that make everything worse. That is, no matter how much intention we have to improve our mood, sometimes it is impossible.

    You may wonder, how to feel content with an upset stomach, dizzy and tired. Although we know that it is difficult to fight against this, it is necessary to make an effort. Turning a negative situation into a positive one can make a difference in these cases. Let’s see how to get better results.

    • Hormonal changes cannot be eliminated; But constantly complaining doesn’t help. Let’s try to be aware of our thoughts and try to ward off those that are negative.
    • Replace negativity with a positive attitude, constantly remind yourself that you do it for that being you love so much. Bring to mind calming ideas, images of your child and a future with him. Think that this moment is unique, that if you waste it giving more importance to your annoyances, you will have lost a great opportunity.
    • Do activities that make you feel happier. The art of painted bellies has recently become popular; It is believed to be an ideal exercise to relax the pregnant woman and improve her mood. Hobbies like this not only reduce anxiety, they also change our perspective with cheerful colors and images.
    • Talking with friends or family in a relaxed way helps to ward off negative thoughts. When you feel overwhelmed, do not give room to that feeling, try to find someone who distracts you a bit. Also, avoid that the topics of conversation are related to your discomfort.
    • Watch that movie that makes you laugh again, or read that book that helps you disconnect from reality. Remember that there is nothing better to improve your spirits than to do what we like the most.

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