How Depression In Parents Affects Their Children

Paternal or maternal depression damages the emotional bond with children and can have serious consequences for child development. We show you the most relevant ones.
How Depression Affects Parents in Children

Currently, it is estimated that more than 300 million people in the world suffer from depression. When the disease appears, not only the patient suffers the consequences, but they also move to his family. When minors are involved, they usually get the worst of it. For this reason, it is essential to know how depression in parents affects children and adolescents and to apply measures to alleviate its effects.

It is important to consider that the influence of the disease is not limited to the time that minors live with their parents. Childhood and adolescence are key stages in the formation of personality, therefore, the context in which children grow up will affect their way of seeing the world, their conception of themselves and the development of their basic skills. And these patterns will be the ones that will accompany them even in their adult life.

Depression of the father or mother

Man father of family with depression.

Maternal depression and its influence on children has been widely studied, especially if it occurs after childbirth. However, when it is the father who suffers from this disorder, the minors are affected in a similar way. After all, both parents are the main reference figures for their children.

Depression affects the emotional availability of parents, their ability to care for and care for children and the example they offer them every day. In addition, if either parent suffers from depression, the home environment can become tense and negative, as the disease will affect the couple’s relationship.

How it affects the children

Paternal or maternal depression affects children at different levels: it influences their emotions, their behavior and the formation of their beliefs. The main consequences that can occur are the following.

School performance

Some studies have found a strong relationship between depression in parents and poor school performance in their children. Whether the disease occurs postpartum or appears at any later time, it is associated with poorer grades and behavior problems in minors.

Some curiosities found reveal that maternal depression seems to affect more than paternal depression and that girls are especially sensitive and vulnerable to the effects of this situation.

The emotional bond weakens

The emotional bond between parents and children is built based on the ability of the former to attend and respond to children’s needs.

However, it has been shown that when a father or mother suffers from depression their ability to interpret the signals and demands of their children is reduced, the degree of positive interaction with them is lowered and, ultimately, an insecure attachment is established.

Children learn from these depressive behaviors

Children learn by imitation, mainly from their parents. When a leading role model is depressed, the child is likely to develop the same negative, pessimistic, and hopeless thinking pattern or not develop good social or emotional management skills.

They feel insecure and confused

Even adults find it difficult to understand depression, but for a child or adolescent this task is even more complex. It is common for children to fail to understand what happens to their parents and to blame themselves for it. Somehow they believe that their behavior is the cause of the parental mood.

In addition, parents are the ones to provide support, comfort and protection. If their own personal state does not allow them to perform these functions, children can feel confused, insecure and even responsible for the well-being of their parents.

Bad future relationships

Growing up with a father or mother who suffers from depression not only affects the relationship that the child establishes with them, but also the rest of the bonds that they will maintain throughout their life. The quality of relationships is mainly based on personality, beliefs and abilities, and all of these areas have been affected during childhood. Therefore, it is more likely that in the future that child will have less satisfactory and healthy relationships.

Mother crying in front of her daughter because she suffers from depression.

Seek help, for you and your children

Coping with depression is not easy, and many people avoid asking for help out of fear of stigma. However, now that you know how depression affects parents to children, it is important that you seek professional support if necessary.

By doing so, you will not only be taking steps to regain your well-being and quality of life, but you will also be contributing to the present and future happiness of these children. Finally, only if you are healthy can you offer them the love, care, and guidance they need.

Parental depression affects children

In short, depression is a severe disorder that profoundly affects those who suffer from it and those closest to them. Fortunately, there are suitable treatments to address it. Therefore, if you think you may be suffering from depression or if you begin to detect any of the above signs in your children, do not hesitate to look for resources that can help you.

How does maternal depression affect children?

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