How Do I Face My Son’s First Day Of High School?

Starting high school is an experience that can be difficult, both for parents and new students, due to the great change it implies in the routines of adolescents.
How do I face my son's first day of high school?

The first day of high school can often seem daunting. But remember, it doesn’t have to be. There are basic measures we can take to try to make that day a normal day and even avoid nerves.

As that first day of high school can seem very stressful in what is a great transition in our son’s life, today we are going to see some tips to make sure that day is as bearable and easy as possible. So that the passage to the institute becomes a good experience.

The tutor will be key during the course and the first day of institute

Our son will have to study harder and begin to be more independent. We can remind you of what resources you will find at the institute that can help you. Your guardian may be someone you can trust; it will be your guide on this first day and for the rest of the course.

How do I face my son's first day of high school?

The tutor can be someone vital in the life of a teenager in high school, and in the future he can be a reference. We can encourage you to approach the tutor, ask questions, and we must remind you that you have the option of going to tutorials if you need to.

It may happen that our son thinks that the teachers and the tutor are going to be more demanding or distant with him than at school. This does not have to be the case and we must clarify it with him. Teachers and tutors will have the same objective as in school: to teach. In addition, they will be there to provide support when needed.

College goals can wait

Many students can start the first day of high school thinking that, when they finish Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, they will pursue a specific university career. They want to be doctors, computer scientists, teachers, etc.

These goals can change over time and nothing happens. It is important to remind our son of this to avoid frustrations and give him more peace of mind on that first day of high school. Your peace of mind will be our peace of mind.

Our expectations must be known from the first day of institute

A good idea that will make things easier for us and our son is to  talk with him about what expectations we have of him in this new stage. Things like what we expect from his notes and what he expects.

Plan what activities they will want to do in addition to the lectures and what time they think they will need for the new tasks. If everything is clear, it will undoubtedly be a better first day.


The importance of establishing communication with him is an important issue. Knowing how you are going to communicate with us from the center if you need it, for example, is something that must be specified by both parties from the first day of high school.

Both we and he must know the rules of the institute to which he is going to go about mobile phones. How are they allowed? For example, in some centers they can only be turned off and used in an emergency. In others, they may be on and silent, but cannot be consulted during class.

The new tasks

With a new stage of new studies, new extracurricular activities, a new social life and resting, our son will have a very full schedule. You have to be clear about this from the first day of high school.

How do I face my son's first day of high school?

We should not think that he is starting to ignore us if he is less communicative or spends less time with us. You are probably looking for your place on a new site. Giving value to new responsibilities and getting to know your new world.

We should not try to solve your problems

Growing up means, among other things, taking responsibility for our own actions. From the first day of high school we must consider this. While we can listen, offer suggestions and give advice, we should not try to solve all your problems.

We can make it clear to our son that we will be there for whatever he needs, but always without overwhelming him. Not only because he must understand that he has to learn to solve problems himself, but also to show him that we trust him and thus enhance his self-confidence.

In short, being clear about all the news that his new stage of high school will bring for our son and for us will be something that will help us, both parties. It will allow us to better cope with that dreaded first day of high school. The other days will also be much better following these basic guidelines.

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