How To Care For A Premature Baby At Home

Caring for a Premature Baby at Home

Taking the path as a mother is not easy, and with a child born early, things get even more complicated. This experience is often unexpected, difficult, and sometimes traumatic, since the baby has to be left in the hospital. This produces very intense feelings that range from disbelief to sadness or anger. But don’t worry, you can perfectly take care of your premature baby and that everything goes well.

There are several factors that can cause a premature delivery. Although no one expects it to happen to you, it does happen sometimes. We have to face the idea that it is not only about taking care of your child, but that it is also a baby that has not been born to term. You need a series of special care when you get home to keep your health in the right parameters.

Recommendations for caring for a premature baby at home

Take note, because we begin with a series of tips to take care of your premature baby and that everything goes well.

1. Hygiene in the environment

It is important to wash your hands when we go to touch the baby. Keep your room very clean. The diaper should be changed every 4 hours even if it has not stained it.

2. Environmental temperature

It is important to have the house at a temperature somewhat warmer than usual, between 22 and 25 degrees. Because of their light weight and low fat, they may need more help to keep warm.

3. The visits

You have to dose the visits, avoid that they crowd on the child and that they touch him as little as possible. In addition, you have to be careful with colds or any other contagious disease. People who come to visit us have to be sure that they are not sick. The spread of any condition, even a cold, in a premature infant can be fatal.


4. Go for a walk

The baby can go out for a walk from the moment it was to be born. That is, the date you should have given birth. It is important to avoid places with a lot of people or environments full of fumes, because it can be harmful to your health. It is best to walk in a quiet and well ventilated place.

5. The bathroom

It is not advisable to bathe him every day, especially at the beginning, because his skin is very fine and delicate. You can bathe 1 or 2 times a week. The rest of the days it will be enough to pass a damp gauze over the diaper area, the face, hands and any crease where dirt can get into.

6. Feeding in the premature baby

Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the feedings have to be smaller and more frequent. Since his sucking muscles are still very weak, it may take him longer to feed.

7. Vaccinations and diseases

The vaccination schedule must be strictly adhered to. Children born before the 35th week of gestation are at higher risk for infections. The passage of antibodies from the mother to the fetus has been scarce as it was born prematurely.

8. The dream

If establishing a sleep routine for a full-term baby is important, it is even more so for a premature infant. Your nervous system is more unstable and you need reassurance and reassurance. If possible, put him to bed in a small crib will make him feel more comfortable and protected.

When do we have to go to the pediatrician?

  • If you have frequent or liquid stools.
  • See if he is breathing faster than normal and with difficulty.
  • If you do not eat or eat worse.
  • Or if you cough frequently or vomit.
  • If the baby is more down, irritable, listless or has a worse color.

When do we have to go to the emergency room?

  • You have signs of dehydration.
  • Cry inconsolably for an hour.
  • If you have a temperature above 37.5 or below 36.
  • Your skin is blotchy or bluish.
  • If you sleep badly two nights in a row.
  • Or if it takes to wake up.
  • If you change your breathing, it becomes faster or slower.

Remember that there are no difficulties that a mother cannot overcome. It does not matter if they are born full-term or premature, for a mother her child is always perfect. The important thing is always to give unconditional love and affection. An affective bond will be created between you that will later determine the attachment style that you will develop for life.

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