How To Create A Good Relationship With Your Teenager

How to create a good relationship with your teenager

Mommy , you ruin my life! ”,“ I can’t stand you! ”,“ Leave me alone! ” They are some of the expressions that adolescents tend to learn and repeat constantly to show a different identity. This is a stage in life that all adults have gone through. You are not the exception, to get to be the age you are you had to go through the age of your adolescent son.

It is not easy and not only for you as a mother, but also for them. They are getting to know new sensations and new things. Everything is new and difficult, even this is the period where your children begin to fall in love . Then they come home and see you, that with just one expression that they make, you know from your experience what they are going through. That makes them close to you completely and frustrates , so they begin to have a relationship of discord.

Here are tips for creating a good relationship with your teen.

Be patient

In the introduction to the article, you probably noticed that your teenager is not the only one who responds. Most begin to forget who is the authority of the house and lose respect for their parents. This attitude has become normal in society, although it should not be.

be patient

The way to solve this is not to fall into the same game as your children. They start to act bad and will always have a ready response to your screams. In the end they will always lock themselves in their room and slam the door. It is in this tough time that your parenting skills and your patience will be put to the test.

When you are a mother or father, it is important that you meet their friends. Only age does not change anyone, it is also possible that you are receiving influences from them. Nowadays it is fashionable to have a teenage image rebel . Do not forbid him anything in a blunt way, better talk with him and tell him how proud you are of him . If you tell him about his qualities, he will see how valuable he is to you.

Understand that your child already reasons and makes his own decisions

A teenage son thinks differently from adults. When you talk to them it is very difficult for them to understand a “maybe” or “it is possible” . They need to know if it is yes or no. Adults better understand that there are more possibilities as they analyze matters more thoroughly to reach conclusions or make decisions.

You must encourage your child to develop his thinking ability. But be very careful when doing it, you must be strategic. You should even encourage yourself to use your ability to reason. It is easier when as adults, we realize that we need to humility and admit our mistakes.

Obviously reasoning gives your adolescent more arguments to argue . Perhaps you are just testing the thinking ability you just discovered. You should not be afraid since their vision of life is not yet fully defined, even if they think otherwise.

For him to treat you with respect, you must learn to recognize the virtues that your son has and praise him for trying to reason the matter. After you do that, it will be easier for you to get their attention to explain what is wrong. It is likely that later he will want to rethink his opinion to improve the situation.

Accept that you are not always right

you are not always right

Since you know how to explain to your child what has failed It is time to evaluate yourself based on the fundamentals and listening to your child’s. You have to open your mind and be attentive when you talk to him. You will not always have the last word in the conversation because your child may give you some really reasoned argument that makes you see a mistake . Your child may also accept your point of view at some point.

There is no father who is perfect, in fact no one is. If after arguing you noticed that everything was due to your actions, do not be afraid to apologize. When you admit your mistakes, your child learns a valuable example of humility. Be patient, listen to it and understand that you are not always right. Also respect your son, just as you want him to respect you.

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